Rochie's Pics

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I can see it in your face - "Hmm, how can I get this home without anyone noticing"!

I see there's been some changes since we were there last, with the Comet now indoors.
I can see it in your face - "Hmm, how can I get this home without anyone noticing"!

I see there's been some changes since we were there last, with the Comet now indoors.
i did try the coil boost and engine start buttons !

yes few things moved around, if you remember they were still building the bit with comet in when we last visited with Josie
have put the pics in order
1 we walked up to the top of the hill seen in the background
2 looking back down from about halfway up the path
3 and 4 view along the ridge at the top.

we walked along the ridge then down the other side where a path turns 180' and brings you back along the base of the ridge, about 4 miles in total.
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