Russian A6M Zero

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Master Sergeant
Aug 1, 2011
With the upcoming carrier planes build I have 2 Zeros in the stable waiting to be built (a M2 and M3) But I'm wondering are we allowed to do them in other colors? (I'm crazyyy for captured aircraft :S)

I've also heard the rumor around the web of there being some photos out there of captured "Russian A6M Zeros"

The only single photo I've found is a color profile from Wings Palette. Which doesn't give much to go on...

I know that theres a Hasegawa kit with captured aircraft that features American and British Zeros.

a P.S. If there are any photos of the Captured American A6M3 somewhere around it'd be greatly appreciated, I'll check the GB board since I remember there being one there

thanks for the help,

Got some pics of some US Zeros Igor. Will find and post them up for ya.

Also AFAIK no problem if different (actual) markings, as long as aircraft types designed for carrier use.
Got some pics of some US Zeros Igor. Will find and post them up for ya.

Also AFAIK no problem if different (actual) markings, as long as aircraft types designed for carrier use.

Thank you A4K for the clarification , then I'll most likeley do a US Zero, I'd love to do a Russian Zero but with the lack of photos on the net it wouldn't be that great.
EB-201 US Air Force Wright Field

re-found a good site I used to visit, this A6M3 (I think its a A6M3 and not a 2) has the full star and stripe logo, is the color on it "Marine Blue" as in some of the other Zeros that the US captured and re-painted?
Several Zeros were captured by Soviet Union in the northern Shumshu Island but it was after August 15, 1945.
I never heard they were tested.

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thats the pic off Wing's Palette it says its from the Sachalin Island, 1945. I remember Dad having a book with actual photos of some captured Japanese equipement in Russia. I can't recal where he put it and finding it would be near impossible now since I can't remember the name (it was in Cyrilic print)
Agreed! model 32 had the clipped wings.

From what I can tell its a later production 32, it has ammo fairings on the wings, if you look at the pic where you can see the bottom of the wing you can see 1 clearly protruding cirlce from the wing, early 32s didn't have that fairing

As for the color, is it Marine Blue? It doesn't appear to be so, it looks light on the photos, maybe the J.N Grey? that looks a bit too dark in my opinion too, is it White? What do you guys think?
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Just a small bump and another question, the Wheel Bay colors, the Tamiya instructions give a interior green, but I think the Wheel bay color is a very aqau style green. Can anyone say for certain the most likely color on the zero's interior wheel bay?

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