OK now it's time for my two cents. Let me enlighten my fellow forum mates to a few interesting points that haven't been addressed thus far. This goldbricking, scum sucking, low life bottom feeder will not be spending the next two years in Levenworth. The Navy has it's own prisons for this breed of bilge slime. It's called Portsmouth Naval Prison. It's a "Red Line" brig that is manned by our shipmates, the Marines. A Red Line Brig, as the name implies, is sectioned off every 8 feet (I think it's 8 ft) and the inmate must ask the Marine guard permission to cross each red line. It's like "Hellweek" every day. The Navy-Marine Corps interservice rivalry reaches its peak here. Personally I think "Keel Hauling" is too good for him. Oh, by the way, we forgot to mention the salt water in the open wounds part of 'Hauling. My personal favorite would be the Cat Shot. On an Aircraft Carrier before the first aircraft of the day is launched the cats are tested. This is called shooting "Dummy Loads" An announcement will be made over the 5MC (which is the flight deck PA system) "Now shooting no loads off cat two" (or whichever cat they are testing). I'd love to hit the launch button on this NO LOAD piece of sh-t! Of course it would have to be off one of the bow cats because after he hits the water like a load of concrete the ship is going to run over him and his worthless carcass will be chewed up by the screws and the sharks will get a free lunch. Bon Appetit!!!! Signed, Senior Chief Petty Officer, USN, RET