SBD Dauntless In Color

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Ok, not a pic of a Dauntless but I just found this out....

Brian Keith (1921-1997), SGT, U.S. Marine Corps WW II. He served (1942–1945) as an air gunner (he was a Radio-Gunner in the rear cockpit of a two-man Douglas SBD Dauntless dive-bomber in a U.S. Marine squadron), and received an Air Medal.

starred in:

The McKenzie Break (1970)
The Raiders (1964)
Young Guns (1988 )
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Here's a few I took of the A-24 at the Air Force Museum in Dayton


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Took these of the SBD-3 at the Kalamazoo Air Zoo. This one was brought up from the bottom of Lake Michigan and restored.


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That second to last photo is one of the best I've ever seen. It looks like it was taken yesterday.
Yeah, that photo is really something special, looks ... artisctic ... unreal ... to be my new screensaver8).

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