Shark attacks Navy diver

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Apr 11, 2005
South East Queensland


Here's another very unlucky Australian. Did you see this one in the news the other day?...

Teen choked to death in motorcycle accident on Central Coast | The Daily Telegraph

A TEENAGE boy has been choked to death in a bizarre motorcycle accident.

The 16-year-old victim was found dead on a fire trail by a passer-by off Katara Rd, at Warnervale on the Central Coast.

The Wadalba High School student was making the most of a late start on Friday because of the teacher's two-hour stop work meeting yesterday to go riding with mates, The Daily Telegraph reports.

He had gone home to get a rope after one of their bikes became bogged in sand but when he failed to return his friends dug the bike out by hand and left.

At 11.30am a passer-by raised the alarm when he discovered the 16-year-old's body strangled by a length of nylon rope.

It appears the teenager was carrying the rope coiled around his head and shoulder when an end came loose and caught in the chain's sprockets causing it to instantly tighten around his neck.
Bloody Hell! usually when someone gets strangled up here on the coast it's after a pub-fight in Wyong!

I think I'll just stay home for the next few weeks.

(At least I'll get this SM 79 started!)
Ive had several run in with sharks in my time underwater, and it scares the sh!t outta u, literally... Knowing something can eat u and then meeting that critter on his turf gives u a completely different view on life....

I remember one time doin some "recovery" work at about 130 feet, and I get this tap on my shoulder, turn around and theres a 15 foot Tiger swimmin right at us.... Times like that, a bang stick sittin in ur hand seems like a foolish deterrant....

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