Sherborn teen charged with bestiality

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Tech Sergeant
Nov 5, 2005
Ok I read this and it was so funny I had to post it. This poor bastard will never live this down.

See below:

Sherborn -

A Sherborn teen was charged yesterday with having sex with sheep at a farm near his home, and police reports suggest the encounters may have gone on for nearly a year.

Roger Henderson II, 18, was arraigned yesterday in Natick District Court on charges of bestiality, cruelty to animals and breaking and entering in connection with an incident police say took place at Boggastow Farm on June 27.

According to a police report, the farm's barn had been the target of at least a dozen break-ins between August 2006 and June 2007, prompting the property owner to install surveillance cameras.

Between 3 and 4 a.m. on June 27, according to police, the camera captured and filmed a person identified as Roger Henderson II.

The man grabbed a sheep by its hind legs and dragged it to the corner of the stall, according to police. The man removed his clothes and appeared to have sexual relations with the sheep. After finishing, the man put his pants back on and left the barn with his shirt in his hand, according to the report.

Following his arraignment yesterday, Henderson was released to the custody of his parents, on the condition he stay at least 30 yards away from the farm, and animals in general.

The teen also was ordered to "report immediately to Leonard Morse (Hospital) to continue current mental health treatment," according to court documents.

A woman at Boggastow Farm yesterday shouted, "no comment" to reporters before later threatening to call police.

Yesterday's proceedings took just minutes, as not guilty pleas were entered on the three charges and didn't require Henderson to appear in open court. Prosecutors, defense attorneys and police met with Judge Douglas Stoddard behind closed doors before agreeing to release the teen to his parents.

Following the proceeding, Henderson left the court through a back door, covering his face with a black T-shirt. He was quickly whisked away in a dark red Jeep Cherokee.

Henderson is due back in court Sept. 4 for a pretrial conference.

Sherborn teen charged with bestiality - Framingham, MA - The MetroWest Daily News
At first when I read the story I thought "I wonder if Lanc was visiting family in the USA?" But in the link it shows the guy.....and Lanc has his pic on the forum.....they are not the same guys.
I wonder if the guy had a favorite sheep that he used time after time or he just picked them at random. Bareback or protection used? He ever get wool caught between his teeth?

yeh I laughed hahahah what a desparate loser hahahh.

Mosquitoman, your post was so ridiculously lame, but to be honest I laughed hard at it. Does that make me or you worst??
Oh, the punsters should have a field day with this story, oops, I started already; "field day" - um yeah so:

'This is a bad ewes day' Farming Times

'He must be dippy' Boy's father

'He's a baaa-ad boy' Sheep No 3

'It was lamb-tastic' Teen Sheep Botherer

'He was outstanding in his field' Former Teacher

'He treated me like mutton' Sheep No 7

'He was always wooly-minded' Former Classmate

And so on...

I just about pee my pants when I think of some guy dragging a sheep by it's back hoofs into corner.....hearing it baaaaaaaa!!! baaaaaaaa! as the guy is laying the pipe to it.

Then what if you were the guys friend, all those times he bragged about getting "lucky" you know it was with a sheep all those times.

What a loser.

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