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Thanks, I've just started to scan books into the MyLibrary app. There are some book series where I have just one or three and hoping this will give me a portable resource when I'm book hunting away from home. Before when I'd bought duplicates, my friends or family have benefited. I wish I had a good used book store close to me. LIke many here, my interests in books are so specialized its a challenge to find anything locally. Much of my purchases have come online and many of those during my lunch at work.
If I have a burst of productivity I may get more scanned and post an example to google drive or such. It could have the potential for trades or sharing of volumes.
Wonderful library, I love looking at other collections, in fact I thought for a moment I was looking at my own books! until I noticed your shelf was brown, mine is cream.
I took notice of a book I had never heard of, "Airwar Pacific" hammel. I must get this tome soon (despite the hefty price now)

Thanks AMC, would love to see your collection as well if you get the post it
Thanks AMC, would love to see your collection as well if you get the post it
Some aviation books, I also collect FFL, Old Indian Army, Eastern Front....


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