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Quite a lot of them are signed.
Just bought signed James Goodson Over Paid Over Sexed Over here to add to his other 2.
2 books in the photos I keep safely tucked away.
Yep...wife thinks I'm nuts!
I agree, I love "The World Encyclopedia of Military Aircraft". I've used mine so much it's falling apart.

Same here! :thumbleft:

It was written by Paolo Matricardi.
Dunno if you've seen this one - but Paolo combined all the profiles in that book and the Civil volume...
Great fun to look and compare.

What wonderful libraries Must have taken years. Some old chestnuts there, brings back memories of buying books by post from W.E.Hersant London.
Must have cost a fortune over years to put these together, is this the picture of an old book collector ....


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Gents you have very impresive libraries, plenty of new books ideas.

I was very fortunate to stumble upon this thread.

I took advantage of your pics and show them to my wife, so I prove her that mine is very small (some +260 including ebooks and PDFs by the incomplete Excel I started to avoid buying duplicates).

Her answer was that I lack quite a bit of them, so I guess that is a kind of encouragement to get some more, when budget allows.

BTW, last time I was able to go to my parents house (due to the corona and associated mobility restrictions I'm unable to go for some time) I took those photos to start the aforementioned Excel, so they could be considered my library. Some of them aren't pictured but I know that I have them, somewhere.

It could be seem strange to have the books at my parents house yet, but since I lived here and there for some years in rentes homes I kept them there as a safe measure and, since I manage to "lost" some books (not aviation related), I think it isn't a bad idea so far.

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