Size of Pictures?

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Do we still need to limit them to 800x-x, y, z?
Feel free to correct me, but....when I first signed up, I think that the forum "mechanics" did that automatically, or do I remember wrong?

Not that I mind doing it, it kinda of a habit now, when posting on the forum, just curious....
Ok. Yes the older system limited the image size. But now the larger ones can be uploaded. In the case the system should fit them correctly. However for the stuff we run here the Maximum attachment image dimensions are set on 10000x10000 pixels. Practically we are limited by the Cloudflare transferring settings and not by the image resolution ( the number of pixels ) but by the file size what is less than 90-100MB. Also it doesn't repay to upload larger images because of the time for the uploading. a page loading and the screen scrolling when displaying. Personally I upload large shots of max 1600-1800 pixels in the width and it is enough for most of the shots of the standard resolutions used in the net and the displayers used by the users.
Many thanks my friend, very much appreciated!
I've limited myself to 800 by whatever came with it for some time now, it's great to know that if the image is slightly larger it won't break the forum!
There is an update coming soon for the forums that has much better image resizing and handling for users:

This should go live for the site in the next few months.
" Starting with XF 2.3, you can now add custom smilies"
That would be fun.

" Starting with XF 2.3, you can now add custom smilies"
That would be fun.

Looks and should be interesting!

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