SKG10 Wurger Query

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Jan 25, 2010
Manila, Philippines

would like to ask if anyone has information if the fw 190f8 was used by SKG10. i've only the internet as reference and have found info showing the use of fw190a4/a5's. it is confusing as well that SG10 operated in the east, around the same time.

my interest is to build a model with flat black distemper and toned down tactical and national markings. i think this would make a very interesting rendition of the radial engined 190.

also, i've the classic publications 'luftwaffe hit&run raiders' book on order. but would like know if you can suggest any other references that would shed light on luftwaffe night intruder operations in the west from 1943 onwards.

it's a very specific interest, i know, but i figure this is the place to ask. :)

thanks in advance.
Yes they did. The immediate reference I could find is from Luftwaffe Squadrons 1939-45 by Chris Bishop.

Page 172, under The Last offensive December 1944:

"...and the 35 Fw 190F-8 fighters of I/SKG10."

Night intruder operations I'm not sure, Erich is the immediate expert that comes to mind in that area. Best of luck.
The book Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Volume One 1938-1943 talks about SKG 10 and the aircraft they used. They only go as far as the F3 in the F series in this volume. When volume two comes out it may go further but until it comes out I don't know. Oh, and the authors are J. Richard Smith and Eddie J. Creek. Volume One is extremely informative and interesting. Can't wait for Volumes two and three.
Yes they did. The immediate reference I could find is from Luftwaffe Squadrons 1939-45 by Chris Bishop.

Page 172, under The Last offensive December 1944:

"...and the 35 Fw 190F-8 fighters of I/SKG10."

Night intruder operations I'm not sure, Erich is the immediate expert that comes to mind in that area. Best of luck.

thanks! i forgot i have this book!!! it is the picture on p.143 of the A5 in distemper that got me thinking of making a model in the first place. senior moment coupled with the information overload of the web. :)
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The night intruder ops over Britain by SKG10 are covered by the Chris Goss book "Hit and Run Raiders" which you have ordered - mostly A5's if memory serves. Incidentally one of them was shot down by an NF Mosquito a few miles from where I live.
Ya beat me to it Max! I knew Goss had done a book on the daylight Bournemouth raid but couldn't remember about any night ops.
Dr. Alfred Price's book "Focke-Wulf 190 At War" ISBN 0-684-15323-8 has numerous pics of SKG 10 190s. Only a few pics have the marks mentioned, mostly A-4s.
The night intruder ops over Britain by SKG10 are covered by the Chris Goss book "Hit and Run Raiders" which you have ordered - mostly A5's if memory serves. Incidentally one of them was shot down by an NF Mosquito a few miles from where I live.

any info as to which SKG10 fw 190a5 this was? any info on where in england it went down and the NF Mossie that took it down would be great! a 'hunter and hunted' build would be mind blowing.
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any info as to which SKG10 fw 190a5 this was? any info on where in england it went down and the NF Mossie that took it down would be great! a 'hunter and hunted' build would be mind blowing.

Fw190 crashed in River Medway at Strood 21-22 June 1943. ... SKG10. Time 03.10 am, WNr. 840008, flown by Leutnant Wolfgang Klauer.

Edit: Managed to find the rest of my info on this incident:

Aircraft coded GP+LA of 2./SKG10. Time 03.10 am, WNr.840008, flown by Leutnant Wolfgang Klauer.

Source: Mosquito Fighter/Fighter-Bomber Units of World War 2 By Martin W. Bowman
"Victories for the month ended on 21/22 June with another FW190 being downed (this time GP+LA of 2./SKG10) into the River Medway by Flt Lt Bill Mcquire and Flg Off W.D. Jones of No 85 Sqn."

Source: Mosquito Aces of World War 2 By Andrew Thomas, Chris Davey
"Other light raids by Fw190's continued throughout the month, and in the early hours of the 21st three aircraft penetrated as far as London. No.85 Sqn's Flt Lt Bill Maguire and Flg Off D. H. Jones shot down FW190A-5 (WNr 840008) GP+LA of 2.SKG10 into the Medway estuary, killing its pilot, Leutnant Klauer. Maguire would go on to claim a further five victories in Mosquitoes."

Report from The Rochester, Chatham, and Gillingham News - Page 3 - 25 June 1943.
"Raider Down
After several bursts of cannon fire had been heard above the sound of a plane swooping down, a German raider crashed into a river in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Shortly afterwards there was a heavy explosion below the water and river Police found pieces of wreckage bearing German markings, and patches of oil and scum floating on the surface. No trace at the time of the body of the pilot, who is thought to have crashed with his machine. The raider was one of those which made scattered forays over the South East area that night. They were met with heavy gunfire and in some places were tackled by night fighters."

Report from The Chatham Observer - Page 4 - 25 June 1943.
"Raiding Plane Destroyed
Four bursts of cannon fire from a British night fighter caused the destruction of a German plane, believed to be a FW 190, over a S.E. town early on Tuesday morning. Following the cannon fire, the plane was heard to zoom down out of control and crash into a river, to submerge in 35 feet of water. Soon afterwards there was a violent explosion, which sent pieces of the wrecked plane to the surface. One piece of wreckage recovered by the Police bore the marks of the Swastika. There was no trace of the crew. No bombs were dropped in the area and no damage was caused by the crashing plane.
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I noticed that SKG 10 also flew some daylight intercept missions under control of Luftflotte 3, particularly during Big Week.
thanks to everyone for the information.

hope to translate the WNr and tactical codes from that SKG10 wurger into a picture, then hopefully into a 1/48 or 1/32 scale model.

the 85 SQN mossie that took it down might be easier to find though :)

hate to sound like broken vinyl... but thanks guys!

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