Snuck a peak at the NASM Dulles restoration area....

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Capt. Vick

Jul 23, 2008
Long Island, New York
Often asked about that. Depends on the calibre of the restoration but the guys at the NASM are probably tradesmen and a/c engineers. Some other places will take anyone who can swing a hammer but don't ever hope to see the subjects fly.

As for the NASM, I'd love to get a chance to peak behind the doors of the Garber facility which, I think, houses the only He 219 and Ta 152 left in the world.
My brother and I got under the barricades at the Udvar-Hazy with the Public Relations Director a few years back. Awesome. Wanting to touch, climb aboard...restrained myself somehow. Call ahead, make arrrangements, ask nicely...

The HE 219 is restored and at the Dulles facility, well at least the fuselage and the engines. Go see it bro!

It something I should really look into. I have an Airframe and Powerplants license. I am sure it is all volunteer, which is fine with me.
The NASM restoration team is in the process of moving to the new facility at Hazy. A daunting task concidering 40 plus years in the facility at Garber. There are no tours at the Garber facility due to the fact that once the artifacts began to move to the Hazy Center in 2002 it became a very dangerous, not public friendly place. It is true that a tremendous amount of one of a kind types still remain at Garber and will for some time to come. There is not any new storage at the Hazy center.
First up in the new shop is indeed the Curtiss Helldiver.

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