Some Sad News from New Jersey

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Wouldn't you just love to post something on one of those inane sites, along the lines of "So I give the young twerp a clip around the ear and ...", then wait to see the absolute furore that follows ?!!!
Priceless !!!

That's my situation exactly... we are a rare breed! I have very regular work hours and my wife and kids know how to get a hold of me. On the weekends when I'm fishing, I don't want to be disturbed. It works for me but others are aghast when I tell em I don't send/receive texts.

CommanderBounds said:
How many kills they have in Call of Duty and what rap songs they like.
LOL... I'm 50 and I like to play COD!

4521U said:
OMG... modeling AND fishing supplies???? Good thing I don't have one of those nearby... I'd never come home!
Don't worry JKim the game itself isn't really that bad (Especially the older ones on the PS2) but it's just really annoying being picked on by some kids who say "F***ing F*ggot doesn't even play CoD! He just sits alone in his room with his little assembly toys!" alot.
Just tell them that, when they grow up, and maybe, just maybe, discover some intelligence, they might be able to handle those little assembly toys !
Eff those a-holes...when I was in school, and some ass-clowns dogged me like that, I'd take 'em on after class, out by the flagpole and it wouldn't be a problem anymore. There's no better "attitude adjustment" than a good ol' fashioned ass-kicking.

Nowdays, that might not be a good idea: the school would go on lockdown, everyone would be arrested, words said might be taken out of context and become "terrorist threats" or "hate speech" and the entire event would become a viral event on social media.

Oh how I miss the good ol' days...

What, a right good *ss whooping?
Yep, pick the biggest, loudest-mouthed 'ring leader', punch him hard in his belly (very hard, as the belly is probably fat!), and as he doubles over, an upper-cut to the chin.
Then smile as you address the rest of his minions with something along the lines of "Anyone else?", and see how they all suddenly have some urgent errand to run !
Of course, when questioned, you actually prevented him from falling on his face, due to the weight of the overhang of his belly, by steadying him, but his obese lack of balance meant you had to push him upright. As he'd probably never been fully upright before, the sudden change in air pressure, due to the increased altitude, caused a minor nose bleed ... honest, your Honour !

Hang in there brother... life will get better soon. MUCH BETTER. Study hard and treat those idiots like the intellectual speed bumps they are.

Hang in there brother... life will get better soon. MUCH BETTER. Study hard and treat those idiots like the intellectual speed bumps they are.

True indeed mate! One day, they'll come for an interview, for a job which they've applied for and guess who'll be interviewing them....that's right amigo!

Oh, another thing, isn't that giving the speed bumps a bad name, because they're actually useful in places...

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