Some Sad News from New Jersey

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Thanks for all the nice comments guys! I mainly owe it to my parents and my grandparents for making me who I am today. Without them I would be just another one of "those kids."
How many kids today, play indians and cowboys, or war, where a simple stick turns into a Springfield, Mauser or whatever...
Seem like most kids today (you're a shining example of the opposite CB! Hat's off to you mate!), have as much imagination as far any Playstation/Xbox/computer games stretch....power cut and they're lost!
I think that I still got my 1/72 or 1/76 plastic soldiers from Airfix or Matchbox at my parents!
Some chains force one to buy on the net. I been looking for One bloody jar of Tamiya flat black acrylic, Hobbyco has not had any for at least 5 months. Not their satelite store, or the main one in downtown Sydney.

When I was a kid there were three hobby shops in the South Oakland area. San Leandro two, I watched both of them close. San Lorenzo there was one, and Fremont one as big as a grocery store.

Here's a store near Ulladulla New South Wales, on the South coast, near Nothing, go figure!


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Now that's a model shop !
And a thought has just occurred to me (yes, I do have them now and then!), would it be of interest if we all posted pics of our local shop/outlet etc ?
Sad to see another one go, man it is hard when something like this happens.
Went out early one morning last week. On the way to the local shop, around 500 metres away, I passed three, separate young women/girls, obviously on their way to work, each with a 'phone stuck to an ear, jabbering away.
At 07.30 in the morning !
They've just left home, they're going to their work place, who the **** are they talking to, and why, at that hour?!!
Can't it wait until they very probably see the person they're talking to, less than half an hour later for ****'s sake ?!!!
Kill cell 'phones for a day, and a great proportion of humanity would be totally lost, panic, cry, scream, call for a therapist etc etc !!
To tell the truth I don't even own a cell phone. I have one through work but I leave it in the car when I go home. It's inconvenient at times, but the fact that people can't get a hold of me when ever they want to is well worth the inconvenience. If it's not important enough for someone to leave a message on my home phone answering machine than it's not important enough for me to talk to them about.
I think that's one of the problems with modern society and the internet (which was supposed to make our lives easier) and has contributed a great deal to the mess.

Kids would read books, watch Saturday morning cartoons, go out and play, join clubs, build models, have penpals and other such things. The same went for the grown ups. They'd get together on weekends, go fishing, flying, hiking, gem and mineral prospecting, travel, bridge clubs, build models and all sorts of things.

Now days, everyone gets on social media and clicks "like" and express total amazement and jealousy for the few people who actually do venture out and do things (of course, posting it on the internet). Kids sit glued to the computer or TV playing Xbox or Playstation games, go on vacation so they can have an exotic place to sit and text and in general, do nothing except text and click "like" on someone's social media post who actually went and did something.

And then everyone is up in arms because kids are all fat and in poor health and try and blame poor diet, fast food, bad parenting, GMO conspiracies, chemtrails or aliens instead of looking at the actual problem. If you sit on your ass all day long, your body will reflect that...
And then everyone is up in arms because kids are all fat and in poor health and try and blame poor diet, fast food, bad parenting, GMO conspiracies, chemtrails or aliens instead of looking at the actual problem. If you sit on your ass all day long, your body will reflect that...

When you have an education system that believes sport is damaging to those who dont win, coupled with the above your country is basically screwed.
Yeah...I cringe everytime I hear "point deficit" party for the "losers" of a youth soccer or little league game...

In my day, when we lost a game our coach would chew our ass, because to him "second place is the first loser".

If a parent of today were to hear one of his tirades, they'd be on the (cell)phone to their attorney, the local news station and of course, post it on social media to gain sympathy and support from thousands of dumbass bleeding hearts...

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