SOREN OR BILL? Lets hear it!

Remember this is a joke only.

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Tech Sergeant
Nov 5, 2005
This thread is only a joke Soren and Bill, just trying to make you guys relax with each other. Don't get upset this is just making light of your guys inability to get along............on or about anything.

As we all have seen these two get along about as well as gas and fire, cats and dogs, etc. What should we do about it people?

1) Should we vote one of them off this forum forever like Survivor? Person who gets the least amount of votes gets booted from this forum. Then there will be peace again.


2) Lock both of them in a small camper, no phones, no computers, no visitors. Let them argue it out until they agree with each other or the world comes to an end.


3) Lock them both in the octagon and let them fight it out bare knuckles, last man breathing wins. No rules.


4) Other? Tell us what we should do to settle it between them.
I`d say that this would be a perfect thread for them to sort out all of their grudges and misunderstandings. If I were a mod, all not strictly on-topic posts would be moved here from the infected threads, and this thread would be renamed 'Soren vs Bill', and it would serve no other purpose than to allow an endless, unmoderated bashing between the two of them, at least until they too will get bored with it.. or at least keep the other threads clean.

Sorry both of ya guys, I think both of you had wonderful contributions in the past and I am sure you will give us the same in the future, but I am perfectly tired to see you kidnapping the umpteenth thread with what is basically blood feud, camouflaged as innocent technical posts.
Since this thread was made why not put it to use ??

So let me start:

Bill, explain to me how the P-51 is close to the Bf-109 in turn performance and how you can justify that claim when all the experts disagree with you let alone aerodynamics itself.

Also where did you get the Idea that aeroelasticity was seen as witchcraft during WW2 ???

You can ask me questions as-well and I'll answer them if you answer mine.
I think many of us agree with you Kurfurst, that is why I made this thread.

Both are very smart guys, nice guys also when you get to know them. But that disagree on every freaking thing under the sun.

Soren "Sky is nice and blue today"
Bill "No it is not! Its cloudy"

Soren "Death is final in life"
Bill "No its not, its just the beggining"

Soren "Roses are red"
Bill "No"

Soren "Taxes suck"
Bill " I love taxes"

Soren "P-51 sucks"
Bill "P-51 was the best around fighter of WW2"

Soren "Insert anything about canopy suction here"
Bill "Soren you have no idea what you are talking about"

Soren "Germany could of easily won the war"
Bill "Soren you are crazy"

Soren "Ying"
Bill "Yang"

Soren "Cats rule"
Bill "Dogs rule"

Soren "-"
Bill "+"

Soren "109 turns better then 51"
Bill "109 sucks, 51 turns way better"

Well you're absolutely right Hunter368.

The problem was I tried be nice, I tried to follow the forum rules and not sidetrack threads because of some dispute I had with Bill. Bill on the other kept on provoking me in several different threads with completely unrelated topics. I'm sure you noticed his habbit of refering to the "suction debate" in nearly every post in many unrelated threads.

Now that he didn't recieve a warning for this is beyond me as I have recieved warnings for way less, one example was me being rude towards glen which caused Adler PM'ing me and telling me to behave. (He's said it publicly as-well) But does Bill recieve a single warning, despite for being the first to throw the mud on several occasions, nope..

Aaah that was nice, let out some steam
Force them both the watch "Pearl Harbor" (w/o the flight scenes) over and over. The first one to surrender leaves the forum.

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