Happy birthday, Soren

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Many many thanks guys! :D

Sorry I haven't responded earlier, but I've been out of town celebrating and I first returned today :D
Happy Birthday!


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In other words been in the slammer! So, are you the proud owner of an ASBO then? :lol:

Not quite :)

Had a blast with my family visiting bars and resturants in the city after a little celebrating at home. It was a good day :)
Many thanks.

Not too long to the 50 now :D
Btw guys, you're the best! I love this forum and I've had a blast being here since the beginning and I look forward to many more years in your company!

Just thought I needed to let you guys know that :)
Due to my being at work and software failure my late but the most warm-hearted wishes.A Happy Birthday....... :occasion5:

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