Similar to the German and Japanese threads, just that Soviet war booty is just a blip on the scope.
Anything of military use is a fair game - tanks and trucks, aircraft and ships, guns and boots. Soviet were not shy to pick up the foreign stuff (mostly legally in this time) and run with it - perhaps they could cast their net even wider this time?
To start the ball rolling - don't go from the high level of ballistics from the 76.2mm Model 1936 (F-22) to the moderate on the USv, ZiS-3 and F-34, but keep it up.
Anything of military use is a fair game - tanks and trucks, aircraft and ships, guns and boots. Soviet were not shy to pick up the foreign stuff (mostly legally in this time) and run with it - perhaps they could cast their net even wider this time?
To start the ball rolling - don't go from the high level of ballistics from the 76.2mm Model 1936 (F-22) to the moderate on the USv, ZiS-3 and F-34, but keep it up.