Speaking of Batman

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Senior Airman
Jul 12, 2006
Just to get to know you guys a little more.
Who was your favorite Batman character?

Mine was the Joker.
Yeah he was evil, but all a lot of things he says is hilarious. Especially during the Phantom movie (animated).

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Operator? I believe my party has been disconnected."

It was perfect for that scene.
My kid got me hooked on the Warner Brothers Batman. And my favorite was Joker too. And for some trivia, he was played by the original Star Wars Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill.

"Hello Batty!!"


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Lanc you don't know what you're missing. The warner bros. Batman was an instant classic for many.

I liked superman to, but batman had more flair for some reason. The darkness of the cartoon sort of sucked you in. Even when they showed daytime scenes you still saw some sort of darkness in the scene.
Matt308 said:
And for some trivia, he was played by the original Star Wars Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill.

So he finally turned to the dark side, eh ?

I remember the Warner Brothers cartoon... It was good. Way better than the old 60s show. Damn, every fighting scenes were censored... Plus the fact that Batman's costume looked way to thight.
lesofprimus said:
And what happens to Batman when the lightsabre arcs straight for his throat???

He gets decapitated...

WTF? Les, your absence is worrying us. Has some liberal pencil neck geek assumed your identity? We need a beating to set us right.

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