Special Hobby 1/32 -Tempest Mk.VI -Egypt 1949 (1 Viewer)

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1st Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
This is my second entry for the GB and being a little bit more to do thought I go trough the build

History:Tempest Mk.6 NX135/V No.6 squadron RAF,Deversoir,Egypt,1949.The machine was also seen and photographed at Nicosia base,Cyprus.It is one of only a handful of Tempest to carry a bare metal finish(NMF).One of the pilots who are reported to have flown this machine was F/L Spragg, who on the 7th January 1949 took part in the aerial engagement between Tempest and Spitfires of the RAF and Spitfires of the fledgling IAF.On this day Spragg sat in another Tempest and slightly damaged Ezer Weizmann's Spitfire with his guns.


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The copit is finished it's such a thinker to get it together and all those pins aligned right but happened with some persuasion.The seat came out really Nice meaning paint wise II was able to paint the brass rings for the threads up top very very well and painted the leather sting in yellow chromate it worked.I may try to get a better level shot if the camera will let me.I am not far from closing of the fuselage and off to the wings the fit of the Mk VI seems better than the last Tempest the Mk V


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I pretty much got the wing built and ready for the first primer.The radiators on the wing for those with the kit and thinking of building disregard the kit's instructions.I built the R/wing radiator to the bottom as instructed leaving out R20 for late next attach the top cover and once good and dry insert R20.The same happens on the L/wing bottom,top and sand L20 to fit without issues.The kit instructions has you build it then attach as a unit both sides the wing to rad fit in my case was off could be operator error but what I just described fit.It looks like nothing but Valleyo Filler is all that will be needed around the wing root.


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I am getting close to some clear and decals fellas and have changed some of the paint.I have two pics a member of another forum let me look at of this particular AC in flight by the commander wish I could share them but very telling info.I got the impression member does something in the modeling area making/designing decals for a larger firm?Hence he studies pics a lot.

1) the spinner was not yellow it was the same color as the tail.Member was thinking sky for the backing plate,I was thinking yellow and the instructions said silver could very well be silver.This may of occurred because the commanders plane the grey spinner?

2) Member was not 100% convinced the AC was NM but I could see metal panels of different color were they just replacements? I depicted them for what I could see and know.The pics were of the L/side of the AC.

3)The grey down the bottom of the plane from wing root to tail was definitely there something not represented in the SH instructions.

4) The pics also showed some paint around the gun ports something again SH makes no mention I am thinking red but waiting on a response.

5) It's been mention that the leading edge of the wings may of been yellow waiting on response to that question also I can't see them.

6)The pic showed rocket racks empty she getting rockets

7)I think their was a good possibility #135 may of been NM it was reflective to a degree looked like an AC that was weathered/oxidized AL maybe.I had a pic of SN213 which was a known NM AC with the same grey spinner and piece around the forward canopy interesting both AC neither had exhaust stains while the two other pics of silver doped AC did?



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The major decals are in place next are the couple handfuls of stencils.The only stencil needing Walthers was emblem on the chin scoop it made it conform.The Cartograf are settling down real Nice weras the rivets are coming through.The decals look to new for the aircraft but I think I have the solution to the problem.

That pit sure looks Nice!


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