Special Hobby?

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Only ever done that semi-solid, tiny-tot scale '190 Jan. I've heard their larger scale kits are quite good though, if a little on the expensive side (as per their 1/72nd) for what they are. Note that Model Hobbies have a (I think!!) Fiat at half price in their 'Specials' section, the Italeri 1/48th kit - but I might be wrong, it could be a CR42!!
I've built their 1/48 Buffalo and was generally impressed with it. Like Terry said, a bit on the expensive side, but it did come with PE and resin parts and excellent decals. I'm only a novice but found the fit pretty good and as a whole, a pretty straight forward kit to build.
Nice info Andy. BTW, you might be interested to know that there's a 1/48th scale Vultee Vengenance about to be released. Can't remember who from, but I can soon find out if you need to know. It was shown in the Hannant's e-mail up-date I get every two weeks.
Hi Andy. Eventually found the little sod! It wasn't in the newsletter, but in the Hannant's Future Releases section of their web-site!
It's from AZ Models, an injection kit, 1/48th scale Vultee Vengeance Mk1.
The Hannant's code is AZM48013.
I'm afraid that the expected delivery date or price aren't shown, but I guess it'll be about the same as their Firefly, about £35 (!!).

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