Special WW2 Aircraft Photos

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Jun 16, 2009
hi all,

i found this nice german aircraft ww2 photos. scanned from a negative.
someone knows the pictures ?

nice week
As far as the places, I really don't know. On the 1st page, there are several pics of a FW 189 reconnaissance aircraft. The two pics on the top row that show the man laying down in the fuselage with the gun had me stumped for a bit as I thought it was a nose gun on a He-111, but the glass is all wrong. Then I realized it's the rear gun on the FW 189.

On the 2nd page, top row, 5 pic is a Fieseler 156 Storch.

The plane pics on the 3rd page are also the FW 189.

All in all, wonderful pictures.
Fw189 Its code is T1+GM of Aufkl. Gr. 10 and the shield insignia, when magnified, is possibly that of 4.(H)/Aufkl. Gr. 10. operating in the Kharkov area in 1942

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