Stang House

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Aug 21, 2006
For some of you mustang riders out there. Here are just a sample of some of the pictures I have taken on this subject.

The first one is a rare XP-51
Second one is a Rare P-51A with allison engine

Enjoy Micdrow

PS: At least two of this that I know of have been lost in crashes.

Donna Mite. Of which the picture here was taken the day before accident
Tuskege is the other one but heard she may be restoreable but not for sure.


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  • Sweet Revenge.jpg
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evangilder said:
Nice. I am hoping to make it to the gathering of Mustangs Legends next year in Ohio. They are estimating that there will be 100+ Mustangs at that one!

If you do, take lots of pictures. Love to see them.
The plan on doing a 51 ship formation for sure. Anything beyond that I think is still in the planning stages. It's about a year away, so I think they will throw in a few surprises. And with 100+ Mustangs around, it will be a photographers paradise, and nightmare. I better invest in some more flash cards if I can make it to this one!


Queston for you? Where exaclty is this suppose to take place. Is there a web page you can go to

Thanks Micdrow

They are still working on the page for the show, but this has some good info. They say it will be the last GML show, but we shall see. I posted this somewhere else here, but can't remember where, so I reposted it here.
Thanks for posting it again then, still reading through alot of the web pages here. I may just have to go, wife would kill me because its a month after EAA but might be worth it.

Thanks again Micdrow
Some may be interested to know that the aircraft in the second image is not a real P-51A, but rather what's being called the 'ultimate homebuilt'. It was constructed by a fella named Gerry Beck from original NAA plans...

Fade to Black...
BlackWolf3945 said:
Some may be interested to know that the aircraft in the second image is not a real P-51A, but rather what's being called the 'ultimate homebuilt'. It was constructed by a fella named Gerry Beck from original NAA plans...

Fade to Black...

Actually you are correct BlackWolf, I got to listen to him speak this year at EAA. It was built as a one to one scale from the original plan's. They actually had to finish it a couple of months early because they wanted it for a movie called Reno race's I believe. From the way he talked this will not be the paint scheme that this aircraft will stay in. Was quite suprised when he said that the engine for this aircraft is so much cheaper than a merlin engine because every one wants a merlin engine. A allison engine he says goes for around $24,000 where a Merlin goes for around $120,000

Enjoy Micdrow

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