Star Wars the last jedi

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I have decided to watch Solo.
I have a bad feeling about this.

Don't worry.
I doubt you will encounter any profound revelations.
Nothing will be different as you leave the theatre.
The World will be the same minus the couple hours of your life that you can never get back.

- Ivan.
Han Solo is going to be cool.
It's going to answer questions about Han's early years that were brought up in the first 3 movies (episode IV, V & VI). I think they did a good job on casting a young Solo and for the die-hards out there, there is no effin' way that Harrison Ford can portray himself 40 years in the past, let alone Billy Dee's just not possible.
Plus, Han Solo is also being directed by Ron Howard, I'm willing to bet that this movie will have people on the edge of their seats like Rogue One did.

Besides, if a TIE Pilot can have a Porg for a pet, you can at least go see the movie with an objective eye...

I will watch it but another time.
On VHS or whatever the young people watch things on nowadays.
At least I can press pause when it's time to go tinkle.
I was in two minds to watch Solo and had a window of opportunity yesterday on the day of it release.
But I cracked a tooth and instaed spent Friday at the dentist!
So I would rather have a filling and go dentist than watch Solo!
The reviews are lukewarm so maybe for the best so will await it's release on dvd or on pay TV.
I saw Solo on Thursday and thought it was really good!

No spoilers, but I will say that it was a solid performance by all, plenty of good action and dutifully used the correct props from that time period in the SW canon AND did not make an effort to introduce any new "marketable" characters outside of canon.

It did touch on several points that were introduced in the original movies (eps. IV, V and VI), it had the look and feel of the originals and was all in all a great time - I'm going back this evening to see it again.
I'm waiting til the crowds die down. I'm looking forward to it and since it is "out of sequence" like Rogue One I hope to be less critical.
I just hope Dizzy actually does a decent story line.

And prepare to be told you are wrong, and it sucks, over, and over, and over...

Oh, and again, over and over.
Considering the mess Disney got into making the film then making a passable film which makes even dollar one will be a win. Seems Disney have milked the cash cow dry as toy sales and Chinese box office are well below expected. It will be interesting times to see what happens with Solo and how this affects episode 9.
Seems as though Solo is going down as a loss making bomb. Which is a shame for the film as, although not watched it, but been told it's Okey dokey.
Doncha just love been right!
Seems as though Solo is going down as a loss making bomb. Which is a shame for the film as, although not watched it, but been told it's Okey dokey.
Doncha just love been right!
I'm going to be extremely blunt here, so fasten your seatbelt.
You are judging a movie you have never seen, based on the opinions of who?
The critics who are paid for their opinion and don't know their azz from a hole in the ground?
The die-hard SW fanbois who think that there should have only been the three movies (eps IV, V & VI) and none other?
The staunch loyalists who feel that Harrison Ford should have played the part even though he is over 40 years older than his character?

Seriously. I am a hard-core SW fan, I saw Rogue 1 and Han Solo and felt BOTH had the spirit and energy that is worthy of ANH, ESB and RotJ. I wasn't impressed with Eps. I, II and III. I did not like Eps. VII and VIII BUT, I enjoyed Rogue 1 and Solo.

So at this point in time, you are not right. You are claiming you're right based on other people's opinions.

Therefore, I issue you a challenge; see the Solo movie. Be fair to yourself and the rest and sit down with a clear mind and see it through. Come back and write an honest review and then, we will accept your opinion. the way, provide a picture of your movie ticket stub or the review will be invalid.

BTW: I have my stubs and can provide pics on request.
The film is neither here nor there.
Fact is its losing money. Lots of money.
Disney has taken the Star Wars fanbase and treated them as cash cows. And tried to Palm off political films as star Wars and called out any criticism as politics inspired.
So no I haven't watched Solo although I will do at some point Disney is a business and Star Wars which should have been a license to print money is now losing money. At the cinema at dvd sales and toy sales. End of the day it's about money. Not art or cultural social nonsense.
Dave, 100% agree. Solo and Rogue are good movies and stand alone very nicely. I personally don't give a fig's newton what any so called critic (especially Rotten Tomatoes) thinks or rates ANY movie. Now Dizzy's VII and VIII entries into the trilogy of trilogies are another story
Haven't seen Solo yet. Will do eventually being a SW fan, but I did see Deadpool 2, which I thought was awesome!

Was saddened to hear the s**tty nature of some of the criticism surrounding The Last Jedi, particularly that female members of the cast were harrassed online. That sucks. It's a fricken movie for god's sakes. These guys and girls deserve our support. So you don't like a movie they were in? So what? Go put Empire back on and remind yourself as to why we love the series. But online harrassment?! Cowards.
I agree that online racial and gender abuse is wrong and if you're not willing to say it to their face then don't say it.
However Lucasfilms and Disney have said very clearly that their is a political and race and gender bias in these films so have opened the door for the crazies. I am not excusing criminal behaviour but to be advised that any criticism of Last Jedi is due to hating women or racism has created a confrontational nature.
Off topic.

The original Star Wars had a floaty thingy with Luke and the other fella who played mind games on a guard - "You don't need to see his identification".

Saw this the other day and reminded me of that scene.....

Off topic.

The original Star Wars had a floaty thingy with Luke and the other fella who played mind games on a guard - "You don't need to see his identification".

Saw this the other day and reminded me of that scene.....

View attachment 509420
Not surprised, Graeme, George used a great deal of WWII inspired items throughout.
The Imperial TIE fighters had a Sperry ball for the cabin, the Imperial issued DL-44 blaster (best known as Han Solo's sidearm) is based on a Mauser C96, the Imperial blaster best known as the Stormtrooper's blaster, the E-11, is based on the British Sterling SMG.
The list goes on:
Imperial DLT-19D - German MG34
Imperial T-21 - American Lewis MG
DH-17 - highly modified L2A3 Sterling SMG

And so on...

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