Sten SMG aircraft: productionized aircraft part 1, the reality

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So I'm at long last aligned with my books for a weekend, and can attempt to contribute with something more than wittisisms and more or less well judged blasphemies. (And honestly I thought it was worth asking wether a jet aircraft, in spite of the flaws, where not a competitor for pre war parasol aircraft, though flawed it was). Anyway, I belatedly derails this discussion about close support weapons and mobile phones.

I believe the MiG 3, the Yak 1 through 9 and LaGG and La 1 through 11 (odd numbers only) where attempts at the very best the glorious soviet union could produce to leave the decadent and degenerate capitalist and fascist nations decades behind, only tempered by what was practically possible in an environment filled with inside and outside enemies. (Sarcasm) Cudos to the men who came up with soluitions that worked. They also tried at least one design that from the outset was as economic as possible.

Not to argue what sten really means, these are the quoted parameters:
Suitability for dispersed manufacture, largely by semi-skilled and unskilled labour, and ease of repair and maintenanse under primitive field condtions.' This formulated in early 1941. The result was the Tomashevich I-110, attaining after late 1942 610 km/ph at 6250 meters. 7.03 minutes to 5000 meters, usual armament 2x12,7 and 1x20.This may sound impressive, but it was with the Klimov 107A, so much for ease of maintenanse. It was judged in mid 43 that the aircraft, though handling well, was impractical to introduce. High weight leading toi high wing loading impaired manouverability.

Construction was mixed, wooden wing and steel tube fuselage,, forward and sentral fuselage having dural skinning and most other surfaces bakelite plywood skinning.
Green, Wliiam and Swanborough, Gordon, Sowiet air force fighters part 2, Macdonald and janes 1978: 48f.

It even in profile looks like yet another Tomahawk (pun intended) rip off (sarcasm inevitable).


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