Stripped down Mosquito MK IV 1/32

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I really hve to look where I was , normally I post an update at monday, but last week I've an external training and wasn't capable to post something, but scrolling up to my last post learned that I was ended biy the lower stabilisator tubes but was forgotten to show the hinges. Afterall, I had to replace them because they were sitting to narrow to eachother and like our prime minister said this evening, keep distance..........................and f*ck, we are sitting from sunday 19 december till januar 14th in lockdown, only one advance, We are not allowed to visit my mother in law for the christmas diner :) :)


To use the few freespace in the wing, I decides to make the mudguard. Have looking for some caps, but nothing has the right size, so, I made it by myself. Just two separat plates in the right shape, then glued on each of them several layers, every layer a bit smaller, and grinding it from the inside


and after glueing both sides together, I have a mudguard, sort of


And look, also the inner side


bracket and distanceblocks on it


and put it in in little seconds into the wing.............................well, that "little seconds"was more time, really,


Also the counterweight between the both elevator control tubes should be made


and together


the long white strip is just to held it

So, mounting between the controls tubes , again, I lost one year of my life :)


Finally I had to mount both control surfaces on the wing



That was such a kind and smooth thing, I mounting the fin and rudder also on the wing


To control the surfaces by cable, they used some running wheels, yes I know, it's not the corrected form of it, but I have to deal with some compromises for the movable functions


The were glueing somewhere in the middle, Indeed, I have to learn a lot with the tweezers


Because somehow, I expect some troubles later on the building proces, I decided to make the aft of the fuselage, the strips are liners wich are used in the real plane aswell, but the where hidden between to to layers of ...........uhhh, ........can't find the englisch word of the multilayer wood


On bulkhead 6, there were also two runningwheels


and glued on the tail, you got something like this


Whats baddered me, is the lower angle the rudder can operate, somehow, the angle and length of the pivotarms are maybe to small, but he, when I move the rudder a bit, you can see how its's operate like the realone and besides, it's not a toy, you playing every day with .Maybe I can't show it be operating the foorpedals, but maybe, there will not be any possibility to get on these pedals. I have to study a lot of pics to make the details on the bulkheads. So I decides to start with the engines, there is no scratchbuilding, but I think it will be 2 kits wich be heavy enough to built

Wat mij wel tegenvalt is mijn vers potje Colle21, daar waar het potje wat ik gebruikte bij de Camel, lang bruibaar was en kleurloos opdroogde is dit potje amper verwerkbaar als het op een blaadje ligt en droogt weer wit korrelig op, de ZAP medium trouwens ook
Bert, you are doing such a fine job on this and I never know if I should point out corrections or not. However, I'll do this now and you can chose to ignore it if you want.

If you go back to the picture I put up in post #41, the rudder control cables run parallel to each other up to the pulleys on bulkhead 5 (not 6 as you stated) and then are fed to a strut that is installed across the inner plywood skin. Installed on that strut is another pully that splits the cable runs in two directions to connect to the left and right attachment points on the crank on bulkhead 6. Like this:

Image (37) Mosquito Explored.jpg

I know that you need the fuselage skins on to do this but you might be able to come up with something.
Thank you, Andy, yes, I know, I have to make that rod, but I can do that only when I have the skin to bolt it on, but you are fully correcte with the bulkheads. The running wheels are also to thick

But now I see, I made the upoer stringers to high, on my pic, similair to yours, the seems to be higher, thank you for the puc

But I put it for a while away, I am busy with the engines, man, thats really something. 24 sparkplugs, just 3 mm long and a 0.5 mm thick. I decided to make just a wire, because 6if them costed me 'bout 2 hours, and I know, there are a lot of these tiny parts
Long time ago, guys, but he, Holidays, visititing my mother in law with Christmas. other family visits for those days and playing with some unwilling 3D printer

I have done something to the engines, I counted the parts 220 for two engines and with placing of some wiring and plumbing I think the total amount of parts will be 260

Some pics of 1 out 2





And then I had to search for two caps between the valvecaps, but I have to beleive I throw them somehow away, so I started with making new


"But, you got 2 printers, duh?" Yep, but no one is working at the moment, had to play with the parameters somehow

Also making the both enginebrackets, but with the ZAP and Colle21 CA I got white spots, with the Camel I used Colle21 without any white spot, so I order new and maybe fresh


I decides to start with the cockpit, I had to, because I have to mount these with the backside. I love playing with plastic and some metal from the PM kit

There's a lot of progress, but nothing to show. I got two secondhands 3D printers and thats a lot of trail&error to find out how it's working and find the right settings. There are people who said, using a 3D printer in modelbuilding is cheating, but when you have to find out how something has to be desingn and then printing, well, making the same partcost more time and in details is often not that good
Beside, nowadays, models are designed on the PC and AM sets are made by printers. So I draw the radio and reciever and had to play with the printers, after a couple of attemps and had two little parts, they are not 100% accurate, maybe I will draw them better, but for now, I like them


Ouch, maybe the pics had some sharper

Also I am busy with the cocpit, it's a lot of trail&error, because sometimes you couldn't find the right pic. So I has to rely on the the fuselage of my Revell model to find the right dimensions. While I want to made it functional I have to design the parts for the elevator, rudder and airlerons, so I made a sketch to find the right dimensions and how to make it functional, Therefore, I want to print them and will see how strong this parts will be. I have to print the controlstick aswell, and I hope this will work. I had print the hinges for the surface control on the elevator, but somehow there are so small, the holes als colsed and I havent to right drill and skills to made a hole of 0.1 mm. Maybe, when I am more experience with the printers I will give it a next try to made the surface cotrols more smoothly in de movements

Not much done, mostly searching on internet for the config of the radio installation
You know, I've spent now many hours on that thing and finally, I want music and with a handfree set make calls. Well, a home set is easier, must find a transponder type 3003 and a crashswitch

But for now, I plugged in the plugs on de reciever and transmitterset 1155/1154 en de powersuply from the HT and LT units, but I had to find a big resistance. The junctionbox I rip it of of my Harley :) Just to plug in the earphones and the intercom, so I can order my wife some coffee :) :(
Just to find a selectorswitch

It's a mesh, have to make some parts nicer but with some color, it will be good
Have to get the cables more to the wingdeck and secure them

Had a lot inspiration of Andy's topic about his Mossie, but he got a newer set (maybe he had some more money :) )

Tis nog wel een zooitje, moet nog 1 en ander een beetje netter snijden, maar eenmaal in kleur zal dat gaan meevallen


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