Stripped down Mosquito MK IV 1/32

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So, I got a little progress in my work, litterly little work. Had printed some wheels voor de working of the rudder, the small ones are a bit to big, but the big one, ( printed 2 for logical purpose) is okay

Then it was time for the steering stick, I had at first drawn from an item out of a kit, but afterall, this was to long, so I had to draw a new one, since I had discovered that there was only for- and backwards movement on the stick and a chain for the airlerons, I had to design a solution to make the steer moveable. I'm draw the running wheels in top and bottom of the stick. But printing on 0.05 mm layer and on 0.03 mm layer, it wasn't movable. I every try waiting for about 2 hours despite the length of 24 mm


Final result

So, I go working old school with brass and soldering

But, I found a nie figure on the WWW, not very detailed, but nice and printed out in 1/32 scale. I have now a titlle for the finisching result

"What the Heck?"

After a very busy weekend with a lot of printing (and throwing a lot in the trashcan) I had some little pasrts for the cockpit, on this moment I forgot the names but it 's the flask en cartridges on the BH2

I also made the stick, the printed one was not working and to big so, I decided to make them in brass. So, lot of cutting, sanding and drilling (my dremel has e to bighead for that tiny drills, so lot of handwork and very tired hands (ai, thats sounds 18+)

The basic parts

And playing with the small solderingtool

The axes are still working and I had a little test with a rubber string, yeah, it's works

So, the airlerons can be operated, but the elevator not, so, I had to made a construction for them to, yep, this works also so, now time to clean up and sanding it a bit

Really nice. However, I think the "flask" is a fire extinguisher and you've mounted that and the flare cartridges on the wing spar, not Bulkhead 2. These should be moved to BH2 which is just behind the Navigator's feet. The area that you have mounted them would be completely inaccessible behind the Navigators armoured back rest.
Very nice work.
One minor point though - the flares and fire extinguisher were normally mounted on the bulkhead below the navigator's seat., as indicated by the white rectangle in the pic below.
Where you have them at present would be where the seat back rest and armour plate was located.

O yeah, it was a weekend as usual, not only of 3 storms after eachother this weekend, but it was a so called "5 minutes day" on sunday. The only day I really can built because a big project on my work, so in the evening I had no energy to built, on saturday I have my sport and housekeeping and careduty for the 1 year old grandchild.

"5 minute day" what the he*k is a 5 minute day?
Well, I suppose everyone had sometimes a similar day.

You start to sort out the parts and after 5 minutes the little girl starts to cry, I solved the problem
You put your stuff on the table and after 5 minutes, suddenly two dogs don't like eachother and start a fight, I solved the problem
Back to the worktable and after 5 minutes "Plop"the little girl start to throw all the stuff out of the box, throw it back, speak on a decent way to hear. So I solved the problem
Sitting down, start the cut some plastic and after 5 minutes.....Dingdong.....the postman with a package for the neightbour, I solved the problem
Sitting down again and cut some more plastic, 5 minutes later o shit, I have to wake up the wife with coffee on bed, I solved the problem
And so on, and so on

On this way no progress in my work, AND I saw that a bracket on the controlstick were to high, so I had to solder it out and a bit lower, but I broke the controlstick in to 2 parts on a soldersection
I spend a lot of time to get the rod for the elevatorsystem, it was either to long or to short and I have to figure out what the right dimensios are, lot of trail&error
So, afterall, I had just 10% of what I had planned

But, I ahd made some pics
At first I made a bracket for the elevatorrod, so drill 0.4 mm holes and put some wire through it

Eerst maar eens een beugeltje maken gaatje boren, 0.4 , bedieningsstang maken en doorboren en daar draadje doorheen

That rod is meaned to operator the ax for the bigger pullywheel, with operated the controlsurface of the elevator with cables On the pic the pulley isn't vissible but the next pic you can see it

Just a pic to see the concept, al the parts are movable so it's crime to mount to parts.

Then I thougt, a pin under the stick would be a great help, so, I mounted some wire under and the trhough the cockpitfloor, now it's stands bij itselfs

On the ax of the big pulley wil be a arm so the ax can be rolled by the rod and the for/after movement of the controlstick.
If you see this and the pics from last week, you don't understand why I was busy a whole day with this

When the parts works I will cut of the wire

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