When you put movable parts on it, you have to test it. So I have to play with small lines to see or it is cable operatable. I've seen some parts not really good aligned, so I have to tear apart some parts. Really I am vaery talented to to this
I had to test the rudderpedals testing aswell, but therefore I had to mount these. I write some words about it in last postings. Some things weren't good and I had te repair it, so last sunday I should soldering some parts apart
Okee, Imaging
A countertop with a solderingiron balancing on a socalled "third hand". a louplamp, small pliers and a clampplier, tweezer, flux and soldering wire. A solderong plate and some small parts not bigger then 2 cm
Behind on a small chair a person, 2 meter long, with his legs spread, because other space isn't there, staring leaned forward with the louplamp on his haed. Pliers in one hand and iron and tweezers in his other hand, meanwhile trying to stabilized the clamp with some parts
Yes, you have it visual?
Ha ha ha HATSJOE
Yep, out of the blue
and the result?.................................................................!@#$%^&**((
try to made it straight, but some parts broke off, so I throw in the well known black hole.
Started up the laptop and start to draw in Solid Works, yeah, I have two resin 3D printers (1 is workable at the moment) so why should'nt I use it.)
It's beside the possibility to try some settings for small parts, the big parts are printing well, but I have to find the right settings for the small ones.
I draw the rudder pedals and tested or thes are right position for the backside of the IP
And after printng you got the raw version of this (I had to clean and to cure it)
And, on a lazy sunday, why shouldn't I draw the petrolgauges, the indicators and switches for the navigationlamps
En zo kom je zondag dan ook weer door he?