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You make this stuff up as you go or just delusional?
What i was saying is that when it hits that blade it is instantly propelled to speed, usiing the pidgeon as a metaphor. my dad use to test the turbines for Solar and they would throw all sorts of things in them. He told me a guy once left a wrench in the test cell and it was picked up at full throttle and punctured the blast plate. ( what was left of the wrench, the only way they could identify what it was, was by the stamping of the manufacturer) completey destroyed everything in the cell, even the frame that held the eng.
Thanks Matt. You should come over and try my sisters turkey, they have a new rockwell just for it......ckr5000000000000.89995. They are looking at for a new source of depleted Uranium
By the way Matt iam not being crass i'm sorry if i sounded rude, i dont mean to be. my typing is terrible i know, i just a dumb mechanic.
I think what is being said is that as the bird goes in the air is spinning it really fast. When objects are spun really fast at ultra high revolutions some of the normal laws of physics go a bit crazy and therefore a bird at that speed does a lot more damage than it normally would because it is going faster than normal. It is like the principle of take a 1 cent coin or a 5 cent cent Australian up to the top of a building like the Empire State Building and it will accelerate to have enough force to kill a pedestrian when it hits the pavement below. That is my understanding of how it works- correct me if I am wrong please...

Disproved on a Mythbusters episode Healz. Terminal velocity of the coin is limited such that even from a 'great' height the injury inflicted by the coin is merely superficial.
I have a question.............. Aren't the engine are design to stop forgein object going through it?

(for me in this case it seem that damage had been done out side)

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