Terry you gotta build this

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While I have an affection for the Wildcat, it is not because of its looks, but in spite of them. Grumman didn't get their cats pretty until the F8F.

But that's is what should appeal to you Terry. That ugly little bird, your name and a colorful umbreller would make for quite the conversation piece! And in 1/72nd would be a quick build and it wouldn't take up too much space.
Jan, if you think the Wildcat looks beautiful, please don't post any pics of your date the other night!!
Matt, had it been a Hellcat, which looks acceptably pugnacious, or a Bearcat, which looks powerful and 'right', or a Tigercat, which is just sleek and futuristic, I'd be sold. But I HAVE to draw the line at that tubby little mutation!!
My date would be the Avenger.. I like em thick!!!!!

I think the B17 is the most beautiful out of all of them. But once I build enough I wont have space!
Great comparison Dave! But the Wildcat is still ugly.....actually, not so much ugly as..er.. I don't know...just a bunch of rejected ideas stuck together! The data on it, if processed through thre NASA computers, wouldn't surprise me if it came second to the Bumble Bee! And we all know what the NASA computers said about that creature!
Sorry, no offence meant, but there's NO WAY I'm building THAT aircraft, heck it's nearly as ugly as the average woman in my town, and that's saying something!
I'll build an Ark, heck, I'll even put swept wings and jet engines on it, and paint it in Luftwaffe camouflage, but I am NOT building a bl**dy Wildcat!!!!
Now, now, now....temper, temper, think about your high blood pressure. Don't want you to blow a fuse. Spare parts are a rare commodity at your...err...errrrmmmm...hmmmmm....

Terry, don't you want to expand outside of your comfort zone? Try, with your skills, to make some ugly b@stard a beautiful work of art? It can only be a measure of your skills to create an adoring diorama from something so detestful, not to mention showing the content of your character.

I can't stand the Do 17. Friggin' ugly and useless in my book. But I gathered up the gumption and made one a few years ago and it didn't come out half bad. Now I'm not proud of the plane but instead the research I did, the markings and the fiddly bits that I know made it come together. As for the the "Flying Pencil".......%$$#@@$%^^!!!!

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