The Best Assault Rifle.

Which One the

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I have never heard of a difference in the "knockdown" power between the M4 and the M16 and I have used both, however neither is exceptional in that way because of the 5.56mm round.
Guys, I've heard that the M4 has less "knock down" or range (it was one of the two, maybe both) than the standard full sized M16(whatever variant we're on now). Is this statement true? I could understand the range because there is simply less barrel for the bullet to fly through, but does the "knock down" have to do with a lower velocity or something?

Well there is an accuracy difference between the two, the M4 has a shorter barrel hense the round is naturally gonna fall short some distance,

i think what your talking about is stopping power, which really theres no difference because they fire the same ammo
There is less kinetic energy in rounds out of the M4 versus M-16 due to a difference in barrel length. However the difference in KE is relatively small. And with military steel core bullets, not civie hollowpoints or match bullets, the difference in velocity does not significantly impact bullet fragmentation. In fact, one of the biggest complaints about current M855 rounds is that typically full penetration of a soft target occurs. Thus, "knockdown" power, as perhaps defined as transferring all energy to your target, is not maximized anyway.

An if someone wants to write volumes on temporary wound cavities, energy transfer, hydrostatic shock, etc. Start a new thread.
Im sorry guys but ive been to alot of ww2 forums that are filled with people that know jack crap. but im pleased ive actually found a good ww2 forum.
And in the years we have been here we have seen a large number of jackoffs who think they are knowitalls, when in reality they are actually dontknowshitters...

Now that u have established that we kind of know wtf we are talking about here, its time to fly the straight and narrow and stop with the gay ass routine... If u've noticed, we dont put up with sh!t here, so button up, keep ur powder dry and dont be a wise-ass...
thats your misconception...............i actually know f*ck all

back me up on this Adler


Rubbish 102, I know much less than you Ive already won UK Twit of the year 2006 at the Planet Plonker Awards.
I'm actually thinking of starting a new thread "Who Knows the least" I bet I'm an the top of the pile.
Only problem is I don't know how to start a new thread so Ive won already.
HaWk3r T3mP3st, or however he spells his name, isn't who he says he is. He's not 54, neither is he an ex-ammo technician. He's a 16 year old kid, who goes to my school. He became interested in warbirds when he bought Blazing Angels, so I thought that I would show him this forum. He joined, and unbeknownst to me he told you all lie after lie. I'm very sorry for any trouble he has caused, I'll be much more careful when referring people to this website. I'm sure he won't mind if you ban him. Once again, I am sorry for this.
Thanks for the heads up Fox....

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