The Best Assault Rifle.

Which One the

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Good for you DF. We saw through him. I even asked him some military fake bull**** that I made up just to goad him along. :toothy5: Took some real fortitude to come back to the forum with that admission. No harm, no foul. I'll move you up a notch on my totem pole of respect. [And don't even go there Les :lol: ]
Ooohhh yeaaahhhh


  • 2e33d6q.jpg
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Its a shame the G-36 isn't on the list, but then agtain the XM8 is a copy of it - a co-operation between HK and General Dynamics.
HaWk3r T3mP3st, or however he spells his name, isn't who he says he is. He's not 54, neither is he an ex-ammo technician. He's a 16 year old kid, who goes to my school. He became interested in warbirds when he bought Blazing Angels, so I thought that I would show him this forum. He joined, and unbeknownst to me he told you all lie after lie. I'm very sorry for any trouble he has caused, I'll be much more careful when referring people to this website. I'm sure he won't mind if you ban him. Once again, I am sorry for this.

Thanks for the heads up and do me a favor please tell this kid that in real life pulling off something like that will get your ass kicked!
We used to call them ammunition experts but thats the same.
Btw Adler, since you were in the German military did you shoot the G-36 ? I know it probably isn't given to helicopter crews but since its become std. issue I thought you might have used it - if so what do you think of it.

IMO its a beauty and one of the best weapons around..
I was not in the German Army. I was a Blackhawk Crew Chief in the US Army stationed in Germany. When I was 18 I was conscripted into the Germany Army but did not have to serve because I was going to college. I later joined the US Army.

I have however shot the G-36 when I was doing some training with some German units and qualifying for the German marksman award.

The G-36 is a magnificant weapon however. I really enjoyed shooting it.
While the rifle is great in nearly every aspect the thing I like best about the Std. G-36 is the accuracy - pretty darn decent for an assault rifle !

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