The 300. Airvictory of Erich Hartmann
Russia -24th August 1944
Erich Hartmann, yet the most succesful pilot of the history scored his 290th victory the day before. The whole squadron is waiting for the historical moment - the 300. kill of Erich Hartmann, the first pilot to achieve this figure.
Just after lunch Oberleutnant Hartmann flew his first mission of the day. The squadron members are waiting in front of the radio.
13.07: Hartmann is reporting for the first time on the radio
13.15: Hartmann has contact with the enemy and is instantly scoring his first kill of the day
13.18: Abschuß ! (victory!). He orders his wingman to move to the opposite side.
13.19: Look out for enemies from above ! Attention ! Abschuß!
13.25: Abschuß !
13.27: Abschuß ! Reprimands his wingman to fly better. Watch above !
13.40: Abschuß ! Burns near the street. Another pilot: Bombers over O.
13.44: Do you have contact ? Another formation
13.45: Airacobras. Watch above !
13.48: Watch above !
13.57: Land, I will rock my wings six times.
Nearly two hours later, Hartmann is preparing for another mission.
15.44: Question to ground control: Do you have a bogie ? No ? Why are we then airborne ?
15.50: Ground control: Enemies over Sandowiez.
15.51: Watch out ! Airacobras !
16.00: Abschuß !
16.03: Abschuß !
16.06: Watch the rear and above ! Abschuß !
16.10: Abschuß ! (Airacobra/300.)
16.19: Ordering to attack an Pe 2 formation
16.20: Abschuß !
16.37: Hartmann is landing
His victories on that day included 3 Pe-2, 2 Jak fighters and 1 Airacobra
As ever in the case of such occasions he was handed flowers and champagne to celebrate the event. Only that the flowers were picked from the fields nearby and the champagne was warm."Bimmel" Mertens, his mechanic was the first to congratulate him, but soon the whole group followed and the next morning the was far from being in a "ready" condition. But it did not matter as the news came through that he had been awarded the Diamonds.
Bf-109G-6 U/2