The Best Bf - 109 Variant ?

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DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
I agree about the bubble canopy. It looks much better than the "razorback" Most aircraft looked better with a bubble canopy. I think in a dogfight I would want either a P-51D or a Me-109F or G. The Me-109 mostly because it my favorite aircraft. I believe most of the kills on a Me-262 achieved by the slower prop driven aircraft were taken when the Me-262 was on the take off and much slower speeds and unable to maneuver.
It's my favourite too :D
Hey by the way: How come the bulges on Galland's aircraft are not only more streamlined than the G-6's ones, but also accomodate more ammo ? :?: :idea:
What a Hell is this.??¡¡¡¡ :shock:

That man in the Bf-109 pictured above had some serious bowel problems. The Luftwaffe kindly fitted a toilet tube to his aircraft to keep him flying.

Source: World War 2 in crap by Bill 'I talk a lot of dump' Gumba.
"That man in the Bf-109 pictured above had some serious bowel problems. The Luftwaffe kindly fitted a toilet tube to his aircraft to keep him flying. "

That's pretty funny Plan_D? :lol: Where do you come up with this stuff?

Oh yeah ... I posted "Sewage line" two posts ahead of yours.
;) Good for you, David. What's wrong? Did big bad pD steal your joke? Well, everyone we should credit David with the joke, let's give him a round of appaulse. =D> =D> =D>
the plane was altered with 2 mg cannon in the wings and a long periscope device so Addi could literally make out the rivets on the tail and fuselage of his opponent. the was really the precussor of the periscope fitted to the heavier Me 410A and B fitted with the deadly but slow firing BK 5cm cannon for bomber destroying ............
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