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3400 22.12.42 Flak: 2. lei.Abt. 847 I-III. Zug 2./847 Mosquito £ E. Axel: 50 m. (Zeeland) 16.47 Film C. 2027/I Anerk: Nr. - - C.2027/I
1 Mosquito was lost this day
Isn't this an AAA 'kill'?
So German fighters only 'killed' 11 of the 25 they claimed (44% accurate) they made for Mossies in 1942.
I heared that the B29 was relative vulnarable also in the PTO until they could be escorted by P38 and P51. After that the Japs had the same problem as the Germans, not enough bomber killers in the air. And the ones you do have are being killed slowly, rookies faster.
I think only the P-51 escorted B-29s.
Several P-47N units were based on Ie Shima and Okinawa.
TrueI am under the impression that the B29 raids from high altitude over Japan were relatively ineffective because the high velocity of the winds aloft made accurate bombing very difficult.
Again true, but they were bringing up to 3 times the bomb load at twice the range with a very effective fire control system. Bomb run speeds were a bit faster as well.IMO, the B29 would have been at least as effective at high altitude precision bombing as the other Allied bombers were.
I was trying to be conservative in my statements about the B29 but frankly, I believe that the B29, if used in Europe in 1945 for conventional bombing would have many times more lethal than the B17s, B24s and Lancs.
and agree...Parsifal, youre correct.
The B29's were not available in huge quantity untill Jan/Feb 1945. By that time the war in Europe had been decided.
I was trying to be conservative in my statements about the B29 but frankly, I believe that the B29, if used in Europe in 1945 for conventional bombing would have many times more lethal than the B17s, B24s and Lancs.
But there weren't any B29 to send to Europe. To be effective you need a lot of planes (harder to stop). I think that if they sent 50 B29's to Europa they would get slaughtered.
There is savety in numbers.
I actually think pushing the b-29 into the ETO may have had some definite negatives. Sure it was an advnaced design, but it was also a phenomally expensive aircraft to put into the air. It would NOT have been invulnerable in Europe, although its loss rates compared to the B-17/B-24 mix would have been much lower, But when your unit costs are ten or twenty times those of the aircraft you are replacing, which is roughly what they cost, and the bomber offensive was all about numbers and tonnages, I dont think a force of 500 or so B-29s could hope to have the same effect as 3 or 4000 B-17s/B-24. And though their loss rates might be lower, they are not going to be ten or twenty times lower. They might be half or even a quarter as vulnerable, but would still lose out.
Average Unit Cost of Airplanes
B-17 $ 204,370
B-24 $ 215,516
B-29 $ 605,360
Just thought that people so much in love with maths might find it interesting. 8)