The Best Fw-190 Variant...?

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Jaws that is lot of good info on the bmw 802 it is very hard to find good info on it.Do you no how many they made.I no they made over 250 of jumbo 222 and it steal would not work.

From what I remember, not more then two hand full (9 IIRC) of the BMW 802 were built. All were only prototyps and studies, as they nevers saw contact to a real a/c frame. Of the BMW 803 (4000 hp class and not for single engined a/c) only two prototypes were built to run on a testbed. One 803 survived the war and is now back to DMM, Oberschleißheim. Other projects like BMW 804, 805 never made it off the drawing board/ were terminated.
Graf had an ego like many high scoring Luftw pilots, why do you think his Fw 190 was painted thusly ? come an get yours Soviet fliers

With 212 kills my ego would be in the clouds too .

However most of the kills wre done in the East and few or none of the western shoot downs were on the Fw-190, so i think the use of this aircraft was rather anecdotic.

His old time friend Alfred Grislawki also use a FW-190 an managed to shoot down several 4 engined bombers in the western front.

The A-7 "white one" of A.G in the JG 1.

Grislawki "explaining" an air victory with his hands.

The best was the Dora. The one with the biggest impact A-2 or A-3

My favorites would be the A-6 for use against fighters and the A-8/R2 for antibomber use.
Awesome footage

The best in their days were imo the A-2 followed by the A-5, as they (overall) had a certain edge over their Allied counterparts at the time. The Dora, while superior to earlier Focke-Wulfs only equalized an advantage that was build up by the Allies with the P-51. My personal opinion.
I am sorry, I didnt look at the age of the thread.
I think its the best becuase it had a heated windscreen, a new radio, it had a special all weather autopilot and a hydraulic boost system for the ailerons.
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