The Best Fw-190 Variant...?

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Erich said:
KK since there is no official history of any of the NJG it is impossible to tell. A small book privately published on NJG 6 was done but still incomplete. in fact there was an English book just recently done on German night fighter claims but it is a dog with many gaps. Dr. Theo Boiten will produce his in 2006 so that is a must have and then we will get at least some good idea of just what a/c scored what..........

E ~

As you said there is no official history of it but from what I have found so far there were but if you go to this website you can read up on some of the night fighter pilots

Now the authenticity of this I am not sure of.
A very rare clip, FW-190 attacking allied ground units in the western front.

Lunatic if you see this, look at the 20mm tracers, it left a big smoke trail behind, almost like a rocket, that is what I am saying about the FW-190 from the other video, seem no using 20mm ammo at all.

To run the video you will need Quicktime player or the latest Windows Media.


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Adler did you note on Petr's site that a funny guy named Erich helped with it ? .... :D

by the way the night ace Kurt Welter's bio is all mucked up. We have the straight poop on this stealth fellow for Moskito-jagd buch, and in fact I could probably write a bio on each one of the night aces if I had time.............but I do not. Paul Zorner and Heinz Rökker two of the leading night personalities are friends of mine

Pauke pauke
maybe of interest to some but for Martin Tino Becker I know his Bordfünker Karl Johanssen who is also a Ritterkreuz winner. Karl was able to give me precise details about the 9 kills they had on one March 45 eve where Karl shot down 3 RAF bombers with his single mg 131 in their Ju 88G-6. Interesting story which I shared with Petr so that he may put some biref notes on his site under Tino's bio. Incidently I have the full story on the B-17 crew that was lost on that night. the German crew also had a radio fire while they were in the middle of the RAF "heavies-bomber stream"
no problemo, just go with your woman on a nice clear day and have plenty of wine and food and enjoy the mini-trip. wish we could be there as you explore. Maybe by 2009 ............
CharlesBronson said:
A very rare clip, FW-190 attacking allied ground units in the western front.

Lunatic if you see this, look at the 20mm tracers, it left a big smoke trail behind, almost like a rocket, that is what I am saying about the FW-190 from the other video, seem no using 20mm ammo at all.

Perhaps. Alternatively it was simply not using tracers many pilots chose to load only the mine ammo in the MG151/20, it made the gun more reliable and the tracer ballistics was very different from the mine round ballistics anyway.

The Germans were also known to use a wide variety of tracers throughout the war. Just because these make a lot of smoke does not mean all 20mm tracers did.


no D-12's operational myabe you mean a D-11 or a D-13 ?

my vote for Sturmbock A-8/R8

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