I wonder if the escort ever received radar assistance from Britain? Were they forewarned of enemy interceptions imminent, or were they on their own???
I think unlikely. Radar in Britain did not have range.. I think about listening to German radio traffic, but then - radio sets in US fighters probably did not have range either.. it was typical range of less 100 km in fighter sets..
To what extent did radar, and ECM affect the performance of both sides in the battle????
German were in use of radar, like RAF in 1940. One development I know of was Y guide use. This was very useful for navigation and control - all fighter plane had Y device for 1944, one in group turn it on, and it guided to exact point fighters like X anbd Y device in 1940 bombers.. may seem small but naviation is not so easy in fighter.
I wonder - did US use Window? But here concern - Germans had worked counter measures by 1944, multi change of Hz rating of radar and other. Also as I think of it - maybe window not very use at all. Window does not make plane invisible to radar, it just gives many false signals.. and since plane drop window, you just head for false signal path, like blood dog to blood.. of course it makes estimate of strenght, altitude very hard still.