1943 Sorties 5,531 losses 108 (18 Flak, 22 Fighters, 12 Battle Accidents, 56 Unknown) approx 1.95% loss ratio
Its fair to say that the German Fighters were never the main threat with the possible exception of 1943 when they did quite well. However even then for the fighters to only destroy 22 bombers (plus say 20 of the unknowns) over 12 months is hardly a huge success.
That is two sides of story - if RAF hardly flying it is no surprise to anyone few planes lost... you say, 2 Group flied 5531 sorties in 1943. In one year. Loss: 108 (all cause)
Please compare that to 4970 bomber sortie fly by German in 1-15 September 1940. Two week..
If enemy does not show, he cannot shot down. Of course.. but if you ask air superiority, you have to ask: why does enemy does not show..? Why did RAF did not show? Surely not - not enough bomber. RAF had bomber enough. Will to show up daylight - no.
Since RAF was denied of sustain air bomber operations over Europe during day, it is clear who had air superiority in opinion mine. I know you agree not, but that is my opinion. I think this thesis of parsifal is far-reached. But it is interesting discussion, too.
Mr Davabir , i simply disagree. Flight Performance comparison has been made many times in the past .Everyone has his opinion Just explain me only this. How is possible a heavier aircraft wtih 1600ps ,with low drug wing ("laminar flow"), outclimb and out turn a smaller,lighter ,1700-1800ps aircraft?(Which additionaly have a bigger displacemenmt engine)
Anyway P51 as a whole package was superb and i understand the proud of the american people about it.
Anyway i do consider P51 superb weapon system
I agree with Jim. This is usual discussion - data I saw suggest P-51 type had advantage in speed over medium altitude, 109G-6 or G-14 with 605A, 605AM. Means high alitude over. Generally in speed but not in climb, or turn. This favours 109.
P-51B is good performance, but not mature type - problem with vision, too light guns, reliability with them. P-51D is mature type.
Case is different with high altititude AS or D type engine - this is G-6/AS, G-14/AS G-10 or K-4 type. All equal to P-51 at altitude. 109K also slightly better in speed etc. At altitude, climb better, turn better. It is question of engine.
General - speed characteristics of both types excellent.. top speed, cruise speed. Equal. Bf 109 is more suited for close fights, because it is superior in turn, roll, climb. P-51 is superior in high speed fights. There are also many other factors - gun, vision, range etc. This gives mixed picture. Both types excellent for purpose, equal in combat.
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