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This "small minority" include USAAF Bomber Command after Schweinfurt and and RAF bomber command who did not fly exactly because it knew Luftwaffe had command of air.. I know, annoying fact, but little difficult to avoid it.
The LW achieved a position of stength and effectiveness against US Strategic Daylight Bombing operations during the period August 1, 1943 through February 19, 1944 - during which the US actually considered transitioning to night bombing in November 1943. - so TJ you are correct.
Having said that, the introduction to the ETO of both the P-38J and the P-51B reversed that state between February and May. During that period the two escort types, beginning with small numbers in contrast to LuftFlotte Reich's ability to concentrate in the same numbers (150-200+) fighters which devastated the US over Schweinfurt, were able to totally and completely wrest control of the air from the LW. The two Berlin missions of March 6, 1944 and April 29, 1944 were the last two fights in which the LW destroyed ~ 10% of the US attacking bomber force.
Basical: RAF goal was use bombers bait, force German fighter into fight, and shoot them down with strong fighter numbers, ie. having advantage. But German did not play this game.. they played theirs. RAF failed.
German goal was simply to skirmish RAF in West, with minimal force, cause maximum casulties... LW succeed in goal, until 1944, and USAAF escort, that is.
I agree with Jim. This is usual discussion - data I saw suggest P-51 type had advantage in speed over medium altitude, 109G-6 or G-14 with 605A, 605AM. Means high alitude over. Generally in speed but not in climb, or turn. This favours 109.
If you compare dash number versions between the P-51B versus all the Me 109G's from -6 through -14 you will only find a climb advantage and you will have to consistently compare at 1.42 ata and above to remain close in any part of the performance envelope as the octane ratings for the Packard 1650-3 and -7 engines increased available Hp by >25%.. and there were no restrictions due to lack of availability of the fuel types or WI boost.
RoC is strictly dependent on (Available Power- Power Required)/Weight
You have to be very careful in the comparisons between the two aircraft as the Zero lift Drag co-efficient of the Me 109 was more than 50% higher above the Mustang (any version).
Taking the above equation for RoC, it is derived from (T*V-D*V)/W - so play with the math as both of the induced drag contributions are similar, the 109 has a slight advantage in wing loading when the 51 has full internal fuel, the 51 bleeds energy slower because of much less overall drag.
The 109 definitely did Not out roll the Mustang except at very low speeds, it usually had a climb advantage but not a great one - but enough that if it (109) was flown by a pro it could eveade for awhile in a tight corkscrew climb in the low to middle speed ranges. In fact even the Fw190 was slower in roll at high speeds in comparison with the Mustang, so was the Spit IX.
The 109 flown by a pro at low to medium speeds could turn better, although even this is a tricky discussion because the 51 again bled energy faster and in most cases while losing ground, had more energy available to climb. A knowledgable Mustang pilot knew that and attempted to either keep his speed about 250mph or disengage using the greater enerfy..
P-51B is good performance, but not mature type - problem with vision, too light guns, reliability with them. P-51D is mature type.
P-51B-1 through -7 had many problems causing early high returns - often 30% in the December 1943 through mid April 1944. The -10 and -15 were superb machines which entered the ETO in high numbers in early April 1944. Additional advantages were the replacement of the early canopy (109 style) with the Malcomb Hood for significantly improved vision - as well as reducing most of the gun jamming with heaters but only the upright mount in the D finally solved the issues.
The aft cg issue was created by adding the 85 gallon tank but re-solved by burning the fuel down to 25 gallons.
As to the 'too light guns' they were more than adequate for the Me 109 and Fw 190. The US Mustang pilots had many examples of shooting down three, four and maybe 20 examples of five German fighters in one mission. So far I have only found about 15 examples of a 109 or Fw 190 shooting down three US fighters in the ETO and that was one example when Egon mayer claimed 4 P-47s.
Case is different with high altititude AS or D type engine - this is G-6/AS, G-14/AS G-10 or K-4 type. All equal to P-51 at altitude. 109K also slightly better in speed etc. At altitude, climb better, turn better. It is question of engine.
General - speed characteristics of both types excellent.. top speed, cruise speed. Equal. Bf 109 is more suited for close fights, because it is superior in turn, roll, climb. P-51 is superior in high speed fights. There are also many other factors - gun, vision, range etc. This gives mixed picture. Both types excellent for purpose, equal in combat.
Hello Parsifal
not being interested in NATO terminology all what I said was that IMHO RAF didn't enjoy air superiority over France in 41-42 in daytime, even with strong escorts its small bomber formations suffered rather heavy losses, day-time bomber sortie rates were fairly low. Or at least RAF didn't use its claimed air superiority effectively, look 2 Group sortie rate in 42. To be able to sent a couple sqns of bombers, usually light bombers, with the need of 5 or more fighter wings to escort that token force, doesn't show at least a clear air superiority. IMHO if the RAF has been able to sent a wing of heavy bombers with 3 fighter wings acting as escorts rather regularly deep into France without heavy losses, that would have been IMHO air superiority. IMHO LW didn't win air superiority over southern England during the BoB even if it was able to sent sizeable bomber formations regularly to bomb targets in southern England during it.
And LW was not forced to move bomber units more rear during 41-42. Its main bomber unit in West, KG 2, used more or less same bases during 41-43 but when part of it was transferred first to Balkans and then to East during the second half of 41.
German controllers were bad. Despite the special equipment carried by formations leaders aircrafts were unable to help their pilots . Countless cases. Alleid superiority in electronics was so total
P51s would have suffered without the bombers simply because they would be the target and LW would choose how and when to engange them. In equal combat P51 is not superior to the Bf109 with MW50
The alleis because of the ULTRA knew exactly the place ,composition and strength of each gruppe So could design their flight plans to make even harder for the germans to concntrate their forces
With regard to losses, I notice you are referring to BC losses when you start mentioning losses of 6 or 7%. But again, this is misrpresenting the facts. The vast majority of BC losses were against targets in Germany itself, where indeed it was the case the British were suffering heavy losses (for not much gain either). .
But in the daylight operations over france it was the exact opposite. Losses never exceeded 1.75% per month.
and of these the overwhelming percentage were from flak. German fighters in France were never the major sources of losses to British Bombers engaged in daylight operations.
Again, that applies to 1941, in the latter part of 1942 there was an increase, but never to the catastrophic levels of the Night Bombers in the latter part of 1941.
With regard to shipping losses to the RAF in the Channel, well, if the losses in the whole British home waters is anything to go by...
Moreover their inability to impede British military traffic in the channel is amply demonstrated by their lack of reaction to the invasion at Dieppe. The reaction of their fighters is well known and deserves respect, but where were the KGs????Why werent they reacting???. Answer is because they couldnt. Too few, out of position and with no prospect of success
But -
1. The bomber losses dropped below 1943 Schweinfurt losses on every mission except March 6 and April 29, 1944 - despite twice as many s/e and t/e fighters in Luftflotte Reich in May,1944 as in May 1943.
2. The average loss rate to German Fighters went from 10+ percent for deep penetrations with long range escort to less than 5% and trending to 2% in May.
3. The loss rate of the outnumbered US long range escorts was below that of the P-47 loss rate in air to air combat.
So - despite the focus on Bombers, and despite your claim that the German Fighter Command could easily deal with the Mustang had they chose to do so - the German air force was trounced, the bomber losses plunged, the outnumbered escorts hunted the LW everywhere in Germany ripping the heart out of the LW.
Were the German fighter pilots so inferior during this period that even with as 'good or better' fighters they were unable to remotely come close to 1:1 in air to air combat when engaging the Mustang (which was in the range of 8:1 air to air over 109/190s).
Were they superior in skill but lacking in tactics?
Were their fighters neither superior or as capable?
I have been digging around and found the largest daylight Bomber Command (not just no 2 group) action that I can identify. The details and results I hope you find interesting
24th July Target Scharnhorst and Gneisenau
There were five stages to the attack
1) 3 Fortresses bombing from 30,000 ft no losses
2) 18 Hampdens escorted by 3 squadrons of Spitfires 2 Hampdens lost
3) 79 wellingtons unescorted daylight raid 10 Wellingtons lost
Cherbourg (Diversion)
36 Blenheim escorted by Spitfires no losses
La Pallice (Scharnhorst)
15 Halifax's unescorted daylight raid 5 lost
Fighter defence was described as being stronger and more prolonged than expected. The Spitfire escort certainly worked and the Wellingtons and Halifax's paid the price. What would have happened if the escort had been given to the Wellingtons and Halifax's no one will know, but without escort they were sent on a death ride and I would have expected more of the them to have been shot down. Germany threw eveything they had into the air to protect those ships and a strong defense must have been expected.
To make matters worse the Germans would have been warned as Sterlings did an unescorted daylight raid the day before losing one bomber to fighters
I don't know the split of losses between the Fighters and Flak. I do know that the RAF claimed 15 fighters from the bombers and escort. I appreciate that this was an over estimate but if anyone has the real figures it would be interesting.
Hello Parsifal
now the Circus No 62, flew on 7 Aug 41, according to Price's book, 6 Spit sqns operated as close escort and escort cover forces, 3 Spit sqns as the top cover, so 9 Spit sqns escorted the bombers, and 6 other Spit sqns acted as the Target Support Force and the 2 Hurricane sqns plus 3 more Spit sqns as the Withdrawal Cover Force. The LW fighter activity concentrated against the latter, so IMHO it is clear that all 20 fighter sqns operated over France, or do you think that Jagdflieger concentrated against the fighters that flew over southern England and that was late summer 41. I gave my source, I wonder what is your source to the claim that max 7 sqns were committed at any single time.
In fact tactical advantage was enough for LW, one can see that even from FC combat reports, 20-30 LW fighters attacking part of the escorts or even a Schwarm or Rotte making a fast attack on bombers through the close escort.
You can find the composition of RAF escorts in the above mentioned book or 1942 system from Price's Late Marque Spitfire Aces.
On BC losses, I referred to the day operations losses and I doubt that many of them were flew against targets in Germany, 2 Group flew a few against Western Germany targets but I doubt that there were many flown by the medium/heavy bombers of the BC. And if you check the Chorley's BC Losses 1941 for the 24 Jul 41 attacks mentioned by Glider above in the message #391, you'll see that fighters played a major part in the bomber losses suffered on that day.
I must reexamine my comparison of the P-51B at 67" boost. I have mixed data on climb, most of which comes from Kurfurst and is in German and I am inept at that. There are some charts showing the Bf-106G-1 having very good climb that is significant (over 300 ft/min better) below 20k. However the airspeed advantage still lies significantly with the P-51B with a typical 30 mph advantage. To illustrate this speed difference, imagine driving down the highway at 100 km/hr (60 mph) and a car goes by you at a 148 km/hr (90 mph). I think you would say, Wow, that guy is going fast! As far as comparing the P-51B and the P-51D climb with 75" boost compared to the Bf-109G-14, see these charts. The first is a USAAF test report from Spitfireperformance, and the other is from Kurfurst site. A note here, at 75" Hg, the Merlin engine is generating over 1800 hp.Mr Davabir , i simply disagree. Flight Performance comparison has been made many times in the past .Everyone has his opinion Just explain me only this. How is possible a heavier aircraft wtih 1600ps ,with low drug wing ("laminar flow"), outclimb and out turn a smaller,lighter ,1700-1800ps aircraft?(Which additionaly have a bigger displacemenmt engine)
Anyway P51 as a whole package was superb and i understand the proud of the american people about it.
Anyway i do consider P51 superb weapon system
tante ju said:I agree with Jim. This is usual discussion - data I saw suggest P-51 type had advantage in speed over medium altitude, 109G-6 or G-14 with 605A, 605AM. Means high alitude over. Generally in speed but not in climb, or turn. This favours 109.
P-51B is good performance, but not mature type - problem with vision, too light guns
This is true for the K, but is not true for the others. See previous charts for climb and these charts for speed. The P-51 is significantly better in aerodynamic efficiency. The Bf-109G-14 with a 1800 hp A-S engine is capable of 347 mph at SL. The P-51B with a 1500 hp engine (67" Hg) is capable of 360 mph. The P-51D with an 1800 hp engine (75" Hg) is capable of over 380 mph at SL. Only the Bf-109 K at 377 mph performs similar to the P-51.Case is different with high altititude AS or D type engine - this is G-6/AS, G-14/AS G-10 or K-4 type. All equal to P-51 at altitude.
This is true, it was indeed a very formidable plane although short legged. However it was way too late in coming to the game and contemporary Allied aircraft, like the P-51H was already on the back burner.109K also slightly better in speed etc. At altitude, climb better, turn better. It is question of engine.
Only the Bf-109K, The others were not so excellent.General - speed characteristics of both types excellent
This is probably true with accomplished pilots. With typical pilots, the P-51 had more tools in its arsenal, except for the Bf-109K.Both types excellent for purpose, equal in combat.
Was not 2000 HP at 81", but that RAF only, USAAF 72"? A bit over 67".. (1700 HP)?