The Flat Earth society

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Flat earth slows that nonsense has no limitations.
And people will happily believe nonsense.
And I find that very very scary.
Because all you have to do is appeal to the irrational and anything is possible.
We should never allow such ideas to flourish and find common ground.
Idiots can always find other idiots to agree and reinforce their stupidity.
These ideas must be challenged with most vigour because it's flat earth one day and we are back to leeches and horoscopes the next.
People who do not understand Physics should NOT try to marshal arguments against people who know as little as they do:
1. GRAVITY - A flat disk Earth would show NO difference as every particle of matter attracts every other particle of matter. You as an individual have your own gravitational field. You as a particle of matter attract the Earth. By Newton's laws the attractions MUST be equal and opposite. If you weigh 150lbs(668N) then the Earth attracts you with 150lbs(668N) of force AND you attract the Earth with an EQUAL amount of force. Jump off of a chair and the Earths attraction force pulls you towards it AND YOU PULLING on the Earth move it towards YOU. You accelerate towards the Earth AND the Earth accelerate towards you. Earth's 6.0 X 10^24 kg mass is naturally accelerated a very small amount by 668N of force, much as jumping off a canoe towards a dock produces a vastly different result than jumping off a cruise liner.
Descend into a deep well and your weight decreases as the mass above you exerts its force upward.
Oh yea, so called GRAVITY is as much a fictional force as is CENTRIFUGAL FORCE.
2. No Magnetic field!! Even more ridiculous. Somebody better inform disk magnets that they can't have a magnetic field and therefore can't possibly work.
3. Since the flat disk Earth would and could have a magnetic field #3 No Navigation is a specious point.
4. Ah if only the atmosphere were that clear not to mention the affect on light as it passes through varying densities of air. Wonder if this guy ever heard of mirages. Light only seems to travel in a straight line. Then there are hills and valleys and mountains and smog.
5. Even the author admits here have tectonic plate movement is an unknown. The plates move because they "float" on a layer of magma. A flat Earth could certainly have a layer of magma. "Volcanoes would not work" Why not?? Volcanoes "produce!!" oxygen, WTF!! This Gomer must have slept through Biology class. Silly me always thought chlorophyll was responsible
6. A reasonable point though once again you must depend on navigation. Without visual reference points EVERYONE walks in a circle. Compasses depend on the magnetic field (see 2). Stellar navigation and GPS are valid arguements.
7. Seasons?? Why not? A flat disk can certainly wobble presenting one edge closer and further.
8. Rain?? Why not? The winds DO basically move north and south. They are deflected by the Coriolis Force (fictional). The flat disk Earth spinning would/could generate the same deflection. Bet this Gomer thinks the winds blow because trees wave back and forth. The uneven heating of the Earths surface would still produce warm moist air pockets which rise and colder dry pockets which fall
9. Finally some valid points though so called Gravity is indeed a fictional force.
10. At last validity
If the earth were a flat disk with magma under the surface it would have to be perfectly flat or it would start to collapse to a sphere, just as water droplets do.
Only if all particles were free to move. The rigid layer of solid Earth would pull on the liquid magma towards it. If you theorize a disk Earth then the bottom would be solid as well. Thus the magma would be the filling of the pie
Had an opportunity recently, to "discus" this subject with a die-hard supporter.
After this long, drawn out dissertation about extensive proof, I simply asked: "show me the edge".
He paused for a moment and then replied that "the edge is guarded by governments and no one is allowed to get close enough. We have proof from a top government official who has to remain anonymous for his protection and his family's protection."
I replied: "ohh, I know this guy! He's the same one who's provided information on Chemtrails, Geoengineering, UFOs, the false Lunar Landings and Vaccinations!"
Him: "um, no. That's a different guy."
(Akward silence)
Me: "show me the edge..."
Dave an excellent point and no one "guards" the south pole. If you've got about $45,000 USD laying around there are several commercial companies which will convey you to the south pole where there is a permanent (1956) research station. But now we're right back to that equally valid argument "How do you know". It's a building in the middle of a vast snow field. Instrumentation?? Easily faked. Possibly the only way is stellar observation.
Herman, not necessarily...the Earth is "Special"
Sorry Geo, these are the same specious arguments the other Gomer made, in fact, tis essentially a paraphrase of that article.

Dave, I SAW that eclipse...awesome

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