The Flat Earth society

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Centrifugal force is a force resulting as a vector from two other forces. It is therefore also called an inertial force or fictive force. It's still a force though
Sorry feeling don't count. And again gravity is fictional in exactly the same way that the "force" you "feel" pulling you towards the passenger-side of your car as you go around a curve is fictional. CENTRIFUGAL is NOT a force any more than is gravity. Your feeling not withstanding. OUTSIDE the car you can see that you are actually moving in a straight-line and the car is turning out from under you. You slide across the seat until the passenger door smacks you and applies a force to push you around the curve

Fictional, as in apparent not as in it doesn't exist.
While you mention it: what is the speed of dark?
Well my friend, I'm glad you asked!
In the "Speed of Dark" thread, there are many theories presented, and good ones, too.

But I'll tell you this: the speed of dark can be equated with the rapidity of a room darkening at the flip of a switch on a winter evening. Anything else is lies and falsehoods! :lol:
But if the world would be a sphere, would the speed be influenced because the room actually has a bit of a curve? I can imagine, darkness going along a straight line will have difficulties to 'cut corners' so to speak. So is the speed of dark proof of the flat earth theory?
A sphere is not a structure, any liquid without gravity becomes a sphere. Flat earthers contend the earth is a structure in space made of liquid and rock, rock has no ductility or torsional strength only compressive. The biggest structure made by man from rock is a few hundred feet high and requires massive bracing.
And there's a bit of a math problem with your scenario: accelerating at 9.8 m/s,
First let me be a bit pedantic here, accelerations have the dimension: meters per second per second or m/s^2. That would indeed be the case EXCEPT for the Relativistic effects that occur as light speed is approached. The Special Theory shows that as light speed is approached more and more energy is being used to increase the objects mass and less and less into increasing speed. Therefore a starship could accelerate at 1g infinitely and never reach light speed as its mass would approach an infinite value. No material object can travel at light speed within this universe. Weird as this seems particle accelerators have demonstrated the mass increase. Fermilab uses enough electricy to power Chicago to accelerate 200 protons to 99% light speed.

So the dictionary and ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA are wrong
Geo, well as difficult as that scenario is to conceive I unequivocally stand my ground Coriolis is NOT a force. The northbound or southbound object retains the lateral velocity of the point of launch as it moves into a region of lower velocity. If I jump into the air I land back where I started from, the Earth does not move out from under me as we both have the same eastward velocity. Now within the reference frame of the Earth which appears to be stationary the object appears to curve to the right (northern hemisphere) since nothing moves unless a force is applied a fictional force, Coriolis, fills the requirement and simplifies the math. Outside the Earth based reference frame we can see that the objects path is a straight line due north with the Earth turning under it.

It is therefore also called an inertial force or fictive force. It's still a force though
As above, CENTRIFUGAL (center fleeing) is NOT a real force. Like the above Coriolis, it is a frame of reference construct. In circular motion there is a real force involved which is CENTRIPETAL (center seeking) FORCE. Moving objects travel in straight line unless a force is applied. An object traveling in a circle MUST have a constant force applied TOWARD the center of the circle in order to maintain that circular path. An object traveling in a circle at a constant velocity is also constantly ACCELERATING TOWARDS the center of that circle.
Within the frame of reference of your car, for example, a ball placed on the seat will roll towards the outside of the curve you are on and you will feel a "force" pulling you in that direction. It is NOT a real force. You must step outside the car frame of reference to see that the ball is actually traveling in a straight line, it is the car that is turning out from under it. The ball will continue to travel that straight line until the car door hits it and applies a force, Centripetal, to accelerate it toward the center of the car's curved path.
You also mention "inertial force" which is also not a real force though INERTIA is indeed real and is resistance to change in state. Newton's 1st Law, the familiar, objects in motion or at rest remain in motion or at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Is the Law of INERTIA. Inertia resists motion which is why force is needed to start motion. Inertia also resists changing motion once started which is why force is needed to stop motion. Mass and inertia are inextricably linked together though the WHY of it is unknown
Fictional, as in apparent not as in it doesn't exist.
This one gonna be a REAL can-o-worms but NOPE Gravity as a FORCE is total fiction and does not exist. Like the other fictional forces Centrifugal and Coriolis it is a artificial frame of reference construct used because it simplifies the math involved. Einstein's General Theory of Relativity back in 1916 did away with poor old Gravity. It remains a useful fiction and simplifies motion calculations.
So while it Looks like a Duck, Walks like a Duck, and Quacks like a Duck it is NOT a Duck though it is useful to pretend that it is indeed a Duck
Mike you have explained the laws of attraction that give rise to what we call "gravity". It is these laws that result in gases becoming ever denser and forming into planets and stars. How do these forces not apply in a disc of molten liquid with a crust of various thicknesses from miles to zero?
Depending upon the Flat Earther group you ascribe to there are essentially two explanations. One of the groups take a page from Einstein General Theory wherein Gravity, as a force, does not exist and the recent cosmological construct Dark Energy. The earth isn't pulled into a sphere because the force known as gravity does not exist. The earth is constantly accelerating up at a rate of 32 feet per second squared (or 9.8 meters per second squared). This constant acceleration causes what you think of as gravity. Imagine sitting in a car that never stops speeding up. You will be forever pushed into your seat. The earth works much the same way. It is constantly accelerating upwards being pushed by a universal accelerator (UA) known as dark energy or aetheric wind.
Other Flat Earthers ascribe to the Davis model wherein the earth sits on an infinite plane, with the sun moving overhead. Gravity works much like it does in a round-earth model, and the earth will never form into a sphere because the plane is endless.
So nothing sensible then?
I guess that depends on your particular viewpoint. No single physical phenomenon ever has a single explanation and can be internally self-consistent. For example take the geocentric universe. Obviously the Earth, Created by God him/her/itself MUST be the center of the universe and everything else moves around it in God's perfect shape a circle.
Thus because the earth is assumed to be fixed and stable in the center of the cosmos (geocentric and geostatic), and further, all heavenly bodies are assumed to move around the central earth in perfect circles, some device was needed to describe the apparent retrograde loop that planets make when in opposition to the sun. To account for the apparent backward looping of the planet, Claudius Ptolemy (140 AD) devised a very elegant geometrical construction to describe this motion. His model involved a large circle (deferent) and a second smaller circle (epicycle) on which the planet moved. The result was that the planet moved with a double circular motion.
Using Ptolemy's equations all heavenly motions could be plotted and predicted.

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