The Food Thread

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I marinade mine because I was having issues getting them to cook the way I wanted them to (I use marinades more to tenderize meat, though added flavor is nice and the marinade when cooked can make a nice sauce). I used to also make a lot of fried chicken as well.

For tomorrow (well, now today), I'll be making a bacon jalapeno pork roast.
My taste wishes to make a formal complaint.
This are obviously very good tastes in these roasts and and I think most tastes of viewers are now running amock.
We, the saturday bbq'es, will protest and write angry letters to the papers.
I held you all responsible for all purchases i now have to do to make former taste calm down.
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Just saw some breaded flounder fillets on offer at Sam's Club. Anyone ever have flounder? What's it like?
Flounder is the family name for flatfish.
Most likely it's Halibut or Sole and I highly recommend it.

When I was in Sozopol (Bulgaria), I had the opportunity to have Turbot (which is a member of the flounder family) and it was amazing.

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