Your post indicated it was a reply to two people and that was the 2 previous posts that enquired on your Sabre being waxed by a Trainer
What trainer was this I might see a T38 getting a bounce but what else
A Sabre getting waxed by an armed T38 Talon trainer, essentially/equivalently a F5 fighter, would not be something to feel humiliation about. The Talon's on paper performance is superior. The semantics of the words "essentially" and "equivalent" provide flexibility in description. The Sabre was waxed by a supposedly inferior opponent that is more well known for being a trainer, Charlie Sheen prop, and air show performer than as a famous, ferocious fighter like the F-86. The mere fact that none of the posters to this thread immediately realized what aircraft I was referring too is evidence of the truth of the preceding statement. An insect of an aircraft known as "The Sabre Slayer" has a better kill ratio against Sabres than the Saber has against it. It is also a product of British aeronautical genius. Designed by the same guy who designed the Lightning. By the way, on my list of "favorite" jet fighters, the F-86 Sabre is first among equals. As I rhetorically stated earlier "Why do you make me choose one among the many I love?".
Hello Neil, Interceptors are supposed to be short range protectors. The Lightning was a faster Spitfire in that respect. It was designed to protect her homeland, not some vast continent like yours. Horses for courses mon brave.
Hi Neil, I think John has got you there. The short-legged Lightning certainly did a better job protecting its homeland than the long-legged Arrow or rapidly obsolete Bomarcs did yours. By the way, I like the Dan Ackroid (?) movie on the Arrow. Much like the F-14/F-18 SH controversy, politics triumphed over on paper performance. What a shame.
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