The Guns We Own

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It came with 3, which is good as they are like 50 bucks a pop.

Ammo is the real problem. All I can get is hollow point.
No worries about that. Can't go wrong with a .40 hollowpoint. I think you will find that ball will not be that much less expensive, unless your hollowpoint is top shelf. Lovely gun. My gun only came with two at the time. Clinton was on the gun ban agenda at the time and magazines were scarce.
Nice,picked a 92fs recently, Check out the D spring and skeleton hammer conversion,sweetens the pull alot. Plus VZ G10 grips make a difference.
I would say very little difference between the VZ's and plastic,maybe a tad thinner(VZ) but the VZ's have more grip,way thinner than the factory wood grips. I have G10's of various styles on different guns. On the 92fs I have dark cherry/black,think they look pretty nice also.
Hmmmm... I was hoping my rather smallish hands might benefit from a reduced circumference. I like the idea of a more aggressive grip as I have sweaty paws, but a reduction in circumference is my first priority with my 92FS. Dang it. I saw a Youtube video of the golfball version and it sure looked like the grip panels were much thinner. I think I need to pull my Beretta out of the safe and give 'er a look for a better comparison.

Still haven't found a reason yet to change my first choice from my Glocks. I have a Gen 1 G17 9mm that I put skateboard tape on the front, back and side panels. Believe you me, that baby is anchored from shot to shot. Not good though for concealment, as the skateboard tape will eat up clothing immediately. She's my house gun. My 2nd Gen G22 .40cal is stock and a bit slick. I used to use Hogue rubber finger grooves, but removed them. They tend to move during extended firing and I was irritated to have to adjust them every so often (50-100shots and adjustment only took about 2sec, but still irritated me). I like the Gen 4 grips, but know some who do not claiming they are too aggressive.

My infatuation for the day is the new 1.28in width G30S .45ACP, 10rd single stack, short grip frame. Me likey.
In my head I think it feels thinner,I have a normal hand but short fingers,pain in the butt to find gloves that fit, but with the addition of the grips,ss guide rod,D spring,skeleton hammer and looking into a new trigger that supposedly shortens the trigger pull i'm happy the way it turned out...
I use to own a BM 59 sold in 2007 needed funds for the shop was #000186(semi) always regretted it esp. in the last couple of years the prices are peaking.Well I stumbled across this and go no way?A Class III select fire for $6995 now granted first thing I go look for is the cutout in the stock(R/S) it's there but not really anything I would say is a lever I underatand but it's being noted on a Form 3.A couple three years ago M2 carbines were running $5-6K somthing does not add up a select fire BM59 should be $11-14K and no post 86 or LE only mentioned either.

Beretta, Model BM 59, .308 (One of original 300 by Beretta) - Beretta Rifles

My old rifle.


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Was not able to try out my new gun last week. Will be 100% heading to the range tomorrow with a friend to shoot. Can't wait! Been a long time since I have lived in a place where you can own firearms.
Well put the first 36 rounds through it. I would have fired more, but ammo is very scarce at the moment. Fired great. Very smooth action and very easy to control. A very well made handgun.

My friend brought out his M1911 as well. Very nice gun. I will be getting one as well.

Very nice gun club and range as well. I will become a member as soon as I get off of this shift in June and can attend the New Members briefing. Will be very good as well because they offer training classes that my wife can go to. That way she can get better familiar with handling and shooting guns. She shot my Beretta this morning. Fired a few rounds, and seemed to be able to handle it pretty well.
So I got my answer on the Bm59 she does go F/A the selector is on the L/S like much like your M2 carbine up front of the bolt as seen here.The guys on the MG forum also commented how the price is right.


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308/7.62NATO is a B!T<# in full auto unless you have it on a bi-pod. i have a G3 and there is no way you are hitting anything with more than 1 bullit in the standing position unless you are some big ass bruiser. now put it on a bi-pod and you can write your name with it. 7.62 x 39 russian may be a lot easier...never fired one full auto. as much as i didnt like 5.56 its a way better FA/3 rd burst round to control. if you are thinking of buying a full auto there are a lot of things to keep in mind...besides the hoops you are going to have to jump through and the cost of ammo. you can burn up $500 in less than 10 minutes. when the final sale goes through you are agreeing to keep the gun locked up where only you have access...AND you give authorities 24/7/365 access to your house without a warrant ( if it involves this firearm ). other than that they are a blast...lierally and figuritively....and actually a great investment...providing they arent confiscated sometime in the future.
So what is your fricken problem!!!?!?!!@@!?!@?

Sounds like you have a new mistress. Bring 'er home man!

I hear ya brother wish I had the funds.

This rifle has the built in bi-pod and grenade launcher Bobby I have to agree that three shot burst is about all you really need or can place in a .308.I have heard stories about the open door policy you have with Feds/PD not always pleasant.The part about confiscation could be in the works just can't see our gubernment being that stupid but then that has not stopped them in the past with some of the programs they have implemented.
Fubar, pretty cool, wonder if they are real or just mock-ups?
GUN SHOW BOOTY: Got a deal I could not pass-up. Really did not want another caliber to try to find ammo for but the .40 S&W was plentiful and amazingly cheap. Paid $459 for the S&W M&P (Military/Police). Polymer except for te slide which is stainless steel. Was very light until I got home and loaded the ciips which hold 15 rounds!! Three clips and you have almost a box of .40 S&W rounds which were only $16 at the show. Bought every box they had, sadly still NO .22 LR or WMR. Sights front and rear are dove-tail but not adjustible except for windage so Trijcon sights on order. Full Pick rail think I'll add a light to this one rather than the laser but they had a new laser sight at the show called "Center of Mass" which projects a center dot surrounded by a circle of dots. Really like the wave-pattern grooves on the slide, very easy to grip. Lastly "Made in the USA" Springfields .45 is now made in Croatia!!


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It's pretty pathedic when a gun manufactor has to print that caution on the slide.
But there are a lot of gun accidents because a lot of gun owners do seem to forget that fact.
People do unbelievable dumbsh*t ALL the time. Adding to the confusion are those who load "one in the pipe" and the guns that come with a magazine safety preventing the gun from being fired with the mag removed. Plain and simple guns are NEVER safe unless in pieces

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