The Guns We Own

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Love those .22 repros...probably the best way to enjoy the classics without costing a fortune!

I know my Umarex M4 .22 creates a stir at the range...especially when I lay out a few rounds and bystanders were expecting the sharp report of the 5.56/.223 and all they hear is the pop of the .22! :lol:
always loved ther STG 44.....wold love one in a bigger round though.

That's why I am going to check with a gunsmith I know about the 22mags configuration possibility .I figure if it fits the mag then we are half way home.The other concern is the breech and pressures created with a 22magnum which can obtained in 45g close to 2000fps while a .223 is a 55g @3000fps if it can be done would make a formidable weapon with a 20+ mag.;)

Bobbysocks one was produced and MarStar in Canada was getting the import rights there but our wonderful ATF said it was to close to the original and might of made a FA conversion.I think this probably occurred maybe 10years ago and retail was 3-4K alittle pricey but if you wanted a close replica that was the way to go_Oh and if I remember it really was not that close at all but more the hideous gun look.You have to look here 2008 Firing Stg44 replicas!
and another Heads up! Marstar has posted pricing on repro STG44's, etc. it was happening but it just fell through.I remeber a guy out in NV or AZ was doing a repo of the FG42 had pretty much cleared the ATF but heard those were going for 10K but have not heard anything in years.

I should of gotten off the cash when Ohio Ordinance had them for about 3.3K(BAR) but at least they are back in stock 1918A3-SLR Walnut Stock - OOW Line - Semi Auto - Guns
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From what I understand the gun is exact in every detail except the caliber. Even cooler is the wooden box (Amish made) that it comes in. GSG makes some really great repoductions all in .22LR. Almost bought one a year or so ago but the $800 price tag was too much for a .22LR. Recently a Texas firm has them for $399
Javlin, not a gunsmith but I don't think it is reasonably possible. The length of the case make extraction/ejection difficult which is why there are few semi-auto .22WMR.
I have the Kel-Tec PMR-30 and unless I use CCI ammo functioning can be problematical
You might be right Mike but it's an idea I am going to look into and I did get mine out of TX for $349+$26 shipping and $50 for the transfer being it's NIB used guns are $35.
Here she is and my local gun shop only charged me a $30 transfer fee :thumbright:She sure does feel good while handling her and feels very authentic with balance ;)


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That's why I am going to check with a gunsmith I know about the 22mags configuration possibility .I figure if it fits the mag then we are half way home.The other concern is the breech and pressures created with a 22magnum which can obtained in 45g close to 2000fps while a .223 is a 55g @3000fps if it can be done would make a formidable weapon with a 20+ mag.;)

You don't really have headspace in the conventional sense with an action like that because it uses a rimmed round and doesn't fire from a locked breech.
As long as the new chamber is cut to spec then the headspace will take care of itself.
The real issue is timing. There is going to be a lot more thrust on the bolt and it will open too early and with too much velocity. This will probably give rise to cartridges rupturing on ejection and the bolt whacking the buffer on the rearward stroke.
There are two ways to deal with this - increase the weight of the bolt so it has more inertia and increase the strength of the recoil spring. It's quite a tricky balancing act to get right. There will be more stress placed on the action as a result which may or may not be a longevity issue with the receiver.

If I had the job of figuring out if the conversion was feasible I would start with the magazine though. I would make up some 22 mag dummy rounds and see if it cycled properly by hand. Magazines and feed ramps are tricky things and it doesn't take much to cause fail to feeds and general unreliability. When it comes to cartridge swaps the magazine is arguably the most difficult part on a semiauto.

Good luck though !
Well the 22mag rds fit the magazine albeit abit tight understandable seeing the 22mag are .015" bigger in OD.The bolt comes back far enough to almost eject a .223 case much less a magnum case good to go there.I shot the question off to ATI Siddley about the bolt pressures and it seems a few others have asked why not the 22mag rd. Kevin
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Good Luck with this, I also really liked this gun but the price (at the time) and the .22LR caliber turned me away. Now I do like the .22WMR cartrige. It sounds like a cannon in the PMR30 and in my Henry lever action they're tack drivers and the rifle has a nice bark. So if this is feasable and reasonable I'd love to do it as well
I just got to get the answer back from ATI or the manufacturer himself on the pressures but then find a gunsmith I am comfortable with.
I didn't know this when I originally posted but apparently Ruger discontinued their 22 mag version of the 10\22 because of timing\pressure issues.

I would be inclined to enjoy it as it is.

If you feel ambitious I have a complete set of factory blueprints for the original STG44 somewhere :)
Very true, wonder how they would feel/handle a homemade full auto

You can with a class IV license you pay the standard $200 Yearly(!) unlike with standard F/A's it's a one time fee but you can never ever transfer that firearm.The thing is with the right equipment you could probably do one for under a couple grand if not less and even paying the $200 yearly that's only $2000 over ten years as to compare to the 15K-?? for some already built.Now remember Post-May examples are 1/3-1/2 the cost what we the John Q public pay and what about the old grease gun cost nothing to make ;)

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