Senior Airman
Howdy,Hello Soulezoo,
I personally have never been a big fan of Glocks. I prefer a gun with a second (not on the trigger) safety mechanism.
From a functioning standpoint, they are pretty well made and generally pretty accurate and a friend of mine has tried for years to convince me to get one. Instead, I went with the Springfield XD which is the same basic idea but has a grip safety. It isn't quite as accurate (yet) as the Glocks I have fired but I also haven't fired it much.
By the way, for the full power 10 mm ammunition, do you load your own or buy it new? I mostly loaded my own which is how I could get ammunition slightly hotter than .40 S&W but not quite at full power 10 mm. I loaded it so frequently at one point that I still have a Dillon 550 tool head with powder measure set up for the caliber.
Regarding your 1911s. Here is a check that might be quite revealing: (The infamous Popsicle Stick Test)
measure the distance between the top of the slide and the barrel at the front of the ejection port when everything is in battery.
Now put a popsicle stick between the back end of the chamber at the barrel hood and the breech face and do the same thing.
I actually use tongue depressor sized craft sticks.
The difference is your lug engagement.
- Ivan.
Not a big fan of Glocks either, but they do work. In 10mm, it's about the only decent large capacity firearm one can obtain in California. Otherwise, I would have others. I both load my own (on a Dillon 550 also) and buy new (for full power either Buffalo Bore or Double Tap). Mostly reload however for volume.