The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Can't tell you, marcel can.

TPBM will tell charles the answer to his question.
TPBM also thinks Charles is actually Mickie from the Life Cereal commercials (lets give it to Mickie, he won'd like it, he hates everything) Just pulling your leg Charles.
1. I'm going to Wageningen. Nice environment, Grebbeberg is very near, also the River Rhine. Forrest and rivers, you'll love it there, Bucky. During liberation day (May 5th) Wageningen is where the party is. Actually, it's the place were the German army surrendered in 1945.
2. Don't know Micky and also no "Life Cereal commercials". Must have missed that here in Europe

TPBM would like to come with me to the party in Wageningen, too (Lots of good music+flying warbirds )
Indeed I would like to come along. Many of us in the US dream of going to Hawaii on vacation. I would rather go to Europe and visit. Start in Norway and make my way South. Not neccesarily the big European cities either, some of the smaller coutry places would suit me fine.

TPBM thinks that sounds like a great trip.

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