The Person Below Me (TPBM) (4 Viewers)

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I'm old enough to do both. In fact I think I'll need to drink a bit before I go out a vote for the US President this time, make the choices seem more tolerable.

TPBM has a hot date tonight.
Sorry mate, never heard of them. Only Man O' War I've ever heard of is a race horse and a coupl of P-51 Mustangs.....

TPBM knows who pilots was, that was called The Black Knight in WWI...
Eduard Ritter von Schleich (August 9, 1888 - November 15, 1947), neé Eduard-Maria Joseph Schleich was a high scoring Bavarian flying ace of World War I. He was credited with 35 aerial victories at the end of the war.

TPBM don't like eating fish....

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