The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yep, as was my Mother and younger Sister and 90% of my cousins on my Mothers side of the family.

TPBM had a warbird fly over thier house recently and will tell us what it was.
300 at the last count , what can I say I'm just nuts about film or just a sad lonely man with no mates
TPBM looking forwards to the Olympic games .
Neither, actually. Work outside in the yard quite a bit, plus a full time
job keeps me slim and trim.

TPBM saves everything, never throws anything away....

No, I throw a lot of stuff away but I still have too large of a pile of junk I'll most likely never use lyig around.

TPBM knows as soon as I throw some of this stuff away I will need it for something.

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