The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yes, a peddle bike these days. One trip over the handlebars of my motorcycle was enough for me. Too cold to ride the bike right now though;(

TPBM is a skate board driver.
What are we talking here, rifles, pistols, bow arrows, bayonets ?

I did pretty good with the M1, back in my youth...

TPBM likes to work with wood...

I'm getting into it more. Plan on making a wooden Recurve bow this spring and start making custom Turkey, Duck, and Goose calls in the next few years.

TPBM thinks this workweek is just dragging by.
You're close, Mon Ami.... the battery in my right hearing aid just died.
Geeze.... hearing aids, tri-focals, dentures and lens implants in both eyes...

TPBM thinks I am falling apart....


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