The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Yes I do, Lagers, Ales, BarleyWines, Stouts, IPA's, Pilsner's you name it, I like it. Bad for the weight loss program though.

TPBM would like to try a Chile Beer someday (Beer with a hot pepper)?
well as long as its friday might as well go and get some jim beam for the weekend, its suppose too snow like hell, god forbid that i have too stay in the house and do nothing might as well get happy and drink too old man winter, the girlfriend always watches the stupid channels on tv, i tried too get her too like the history channel or miltary channel , no dice , but the opray channel, god when did they give her a channel, either shoot me or let me get drunk !!!!!!!! hell cant watch westerns untill tommrow , what the hell is this world comeing too !!!! ahhh shi!!! ill just have another shot please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TPBM_ why in hell did we give a rib too make a women, wouldt a leg got us something better
Oh yes, no too enthused about doing any kind of work this afternoon. Looking forward to a weekend of Ice Fishing and shooting the bow.

TPBM is would like to learn how to throw a Tomahawk (not the P-40 variety).
Yes, am thinking of cheating on my diet this weekend and sampling a few Barley Wines... Been many years since I've tried one.

TPBM has drank a Barley Wine at some time in his life.
Probably not legal for me to do so or I would. Cannot imagine it woudl be too hard to find in Europe. Britain is where much of it is brewed.
One that has been recommended to me is Thomas Hardy Ale, brewed in Great Britain. Says to age it 10 - 26 years for it to be at its best!!!

TPBM could not wait 26 years to drink a bottle of beer no matter how good it is.

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